Super rumble

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Oak Island, Feb 26, 2019.

  1. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    I know I’m being selfish here a bit, but I think midoki should host a super rumble with the top 5 guilds in the world (we all know who they are) and create an icon for it so the whole plunder world can watch in awe at the crazy high scores and epic battles. The rewards would be crazy, like 10k gems for the winners or something like that plus full gold and grog, whatever - something truly amazing anyway. I have seen pictures and heard stories from friends in the game about crazy epic rumbles, So I think it would be really cool if midoki brought back the 5 guild match for a super rumble. I know I would love to watch! I realize this may be hard to code, but who cares, we don’t have anything else new at the moment. Anyway, just a random thought I had.

    Cheers plunder world,

    850arrr and Sea Patriot like this.
  2. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    Great idea but i think most players are busy farming/training & upgrading. So glad we were a part of the great 5v5. I'm with a band of amazingly active pirates and we are winning most rumbles like a super guild in the making. Keep scoping out at sea, we coming for your treasures... ;) and especially your Queens crown
  3. Excellent...i laughed..the Queens crown @ Unique mate :) lubbed it..
    Unique Rebel likes this.
  4. Dear M..G would like to return...Kevin Flynn...has been hacking the ENCOM's mainframe system..aka Midoki fun files...Yes...we pulled a picture of a flying turkey....we snapped you deliciously enjoyed the picture..My quest is to release the one...He is the matrix of fun..Otherwise I shall hold you to ransom for all......25000 gems for the upgrade of 10 wall upgrades...Bring back the one...aka Mr Possum.
    Unique Rebel likes this.

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