Surviving pirates

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Maxmillian, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Maxmillian

    Maxmillian Powder Monkey

    I feel like the surviving pirates from the attack should be coming back to the island. I understand the reason behind it, but some games of the similar type allows for the surviving troops to be available for the next attack.

    Would be nice to have the same thing here.
  2. Perhaps being able to queue up an army when your tavern is full would offset losing all your deployed pirates. (Hint, hint)
  3. Natemz

    Natemz Crew

    I think having pirates return after attack is a bad idea. There would be nothing stopping higher leveled players from using advanced troops to smash bases and keeping them over and over. The current implementation requires thinking if you want to save troops. I could also see sniping resources being abused. You could drop several thiefs on a unprotected corner and then surrender. And the pirates would return to the tavern.
  4. Maxmillian

    Maxmillian Powder Monkey

    Actually the pirates may only return if you win the battle and 100% is destroyed. Any pirate left gets back to the island. I believe that make sense. No pirates would get back if you retreat or just 50% the battle.

    Also what i dont like is that i have a tavern full of pirates, i send them on a sail, i make another full tavern of pirates, the ones i sent to sail get back and i lose all the pirates i recruited meanwhile.
    Honus likes this.
  5. I couldn't agree more with this!!! Whether it's in pvp or exploration mode, I believe it only makes sense that you keep your surviving pirates. Losing them regardless is like losing every single pirate each time I explore... doesn't really make sense. This is honestly the only thing that truly bothers me about this incredible game.
  6. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It's been mentioned that they are developing a system of queing more pirates to train in your tavern, and even possibly having an exploration que and a plundering que. This sort of solves this issue since you will have troops waiting when you finish your attack, but I generally agree that pirates that don't die should return to the island. Possibly with a system like the exploring pirates. That you can "Claim" them once the tavern is empty
    Gangrene Beard likes this.

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