tavern gorg problem

Discussion in 'Build Bugs' started by Arius5, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Arius5

    Arius5 Powder Monkey

    When I recruit a pirate of any kind and I decide to cancle the troop the cost of the troops is not give me back. What I say is if I recruit a pirate and cancle the recruit of this pirate before the end of formation I accept to lost the gorg I pay for. That normal ?

    I play on Appel
  2. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    It is my understanding that one receives 1/2 the grog paid back if they cancel a pirate while recruiting.
    Skye likes this.
  3. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    You get half your grog returned as Super-Nor said. This provides a nice mechanism for players to get rid of excess grog when they have too much and don't want a big target on their back. Queue up and cancel a hundred WDs and you're going to be less desirable to attack, which might end up saving you a bit of gold.
  4. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Lol...and yes @Arius5 make hundred wds by mistake and all ur gorg is gone...nice mechanism, no?
  5. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    @SaK if you log off with 9.5m grog, you're very likely to be attacked almost immediately. If you make and cancel a bunch of WD and get your grog down to 100k, most players will likely skip you since its not worth the grog to hit you if they get nothing back. As long as you have your army trained and your ship out, you don't really need much buffer grog at lower PR, and reducing the attacks against you will save you a lot of gold towards completing your walls (especially if you're rearming any of your traps). At higher PR its not useful, but when you're wall farming down low and always have capped grog, it helps a lot.
  6. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    I understand that...but I am talking about mistake, can't u see the negative aspect of this!
    Many many times I hv lost my precious gorg, because I misclicked.Now u can say mistake can happen! Yes it can, but there should be way to utilize the excess gorg, not just dump stupidly. Like COC u can use gorg to make walls after a certain lvl of walls. This is utilization...not dumping like idiots.
  7. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Allowing use of elixir to make walls caused a huge backlash in Clash and caused many to quit the game. Don't think Midoki will make the same mistake here. There is already a grog shortage for many at the higher ranks, would be foolish on the part of Midoki to make changes that further exacerbates the situation.
    Skye likes this.
  8. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Not telling to put gorg in walls...can be used somewhere else...didn't want Midoki it copy it also.
    By the way it was not a mistake by coc...after a certain time in th 9 and 10, u have gorg for no use! So they provide us to put it in walls! But lower th lvls can't do that.this is called balance...not wastage like Midoki is making us to do here.
  9. captaintau

    captaintau Crew

    I read the title and thought of Fraggle Rock. They had Gorgs, right?
    Lynsey [Midoki] likes this.

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