Tavern Masters Wars or Guild Wars

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by LYM, May 28, 2015.

  1. LYM

    LYM Captain

    Tavern Masters could be a event in which opposing guilds battle against each other for points.
    During this period no shield will be activated if bases are destroyed and bombs and mine reset at the cost of a guild loot pot donated. This loot would have to be donated before the event to qualify to participate, for example entry could be 100 million gold, the battle ends once the either of the pots have been emptied.

    Matches between guilds can be arranged by Captain and First Mates by simply "Declaring War" and having the game automatically match guilds up. Guild matching should be based on a variety of factors, such as guild rank average upgrade level. This could be a simple scoring system adding of the levels of all buildings, walls etc.

    Each match lasts for 4 hours, with the guild having the most points at the end being declared the winner. I would say this be a Monthly event that lasts for approximately four days.
    Points can be earned by directly attacking a member of an opposing guild. In doing so, both the guild and the player receive an equal amount of points, points are also awarded for successfully defending against a player.

    When a player attacks a base they would have the ability to gain / lose BP. They would also be able to gain a smaller percentage of players loot and bigger percentage of guild pot loot.
    Now this is where additional ranks could come in handy.

    Captain, beat the captain get 15% additional points, successful defence 25% points.
    First Mate - beat the get 10% additional points, successful defence 20% points.
    Quarter Master - beat the get 5% additional points, successful defence 15% points.
    Ships CookYou must defeat the ships cook 10 times before you can attack any other player.
    Crew - beat the get 3% additional points, successful defence 10% points.
    Cabin Boy - beat the get 1.5% additional points, successful defence 5% points.

    Rankings are determined on both a guild and individual level, with points being the sole determining factor for rank. Since battles take place on a guild versus guild level, being part of a guild is a mandatory requirement for participation.

    A Tavern Master table would also be visible along with individual league table.


    It is said the current league table is fix with players helping each other to climb pts upto 1400+ pts. This would be a true test as these players would not be able to hide behind a shield and guild match would be done based on weighted average upgrade score rather than rank of the guild.
    This is just an idea so please don’t make me walk the plank. Love to hear your feedback, players and developers.

    @Christy @Tex @Bear @Lynsey [Midoki] @One-Eyed Willy @TBird
    osama likes this.
  2. My brain hurts in my noggin box......so, one more time please, I almost have it :eek:

    The issue I have is that the 4hr window is hard for 'International' clan members, slightly complex to understand all the intricate point possibilities but otherwise I think the idea of a limited gold pot/grog pot could be good.
    LYM likes this.
  3. LYM

    LYM Captain

    Each war called be in 4 hour slots, over 4/5 days. This would mean that you have to be clever with whine you staff in each role. I've seen another game play a very very similar event and by far it's the most popular event and the one that really gets guild at each other

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