The Aquarium

Discussion in 'Build Improvements' started by Cpt. Sharkhook, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Cpt. Sharkhook

    Cpt. Sharkhook Powder Monkey

    The wonderful winderful seas, wait! Who dares swim to my island. Wait a second? We pirates can train sharks!

    Well at least eventually.

    The aquarium works like the tavern, you start to populate your island with specially trained biting fish, eventually we will learn how to train a school of sharks.

    Pirates who enter by ocean will have a tough time. Or not really with the new fisher man unit. Fisher man units use the Ss mogrog barrel ship. And shoot harpoons, could a voodoo ship unit tame the wild beasts like we tame our own? Make the Sharks eat the other sharks? Who knows? Sounds awesome. Upgrade your newly tamed fish pets with special fish grog factories. Our fish scientists can learn to make meaner and hungrier fish and maybe sharks. "Or gold fish"
    Luqman and Gangrene Beard like this.
  2. Cap'n Creeperb

    Cap'n Creeperb First Mate

    I would love to have sharks in the game, that's my nr 1 thing on the list. I liked the idea of placing them like mines chained to the ocean bottom that was mentioned in another thread, and you came with som good ideas too!
  3. Cpt. Sharkhook

    Cpt. Sharkhook Powder Monkey

    Juggershark aka MOAS. The mother of all sharks. A shark that has been fed mines so upon death it will explode.
  4. Emil

    Emil Powder Monkey

  5. Goose

    Goose Crew

    I'm in
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    It took me 3 weeks before I noticed the counterweights on the blacksmith bellows were actually sharks. :oops:
  7. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    There's unicorn heads mounted to the Tavern, so really anything goes.
  8. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Those Unicorn heads are so cute and random, but my favorite is the EAT FISH billboard on the rear left of the L5 ship's dock.
    Salty Snack likes this.
  9. Pontus

    Pontus Powder Monkey

    Great idea!! :D +1 @AngryBeard please comment this :)
  10. AngryBeard

    AngryBeard Community Manager

    Great idea! *scribble scribble* :)
  11. Luqman

    Luqman Crew

    Great idea! :) +1, and maybe first we can train something smaller, you know, start small grow big, maybe have a various type of sharks that have various type of stats and abilities.Oh and can we get a shark guild flag?:D
  12. Luqman

    Luqman Crew

    And also don't forget other type of sea animals, like octopus,(giant)crab,etc.Just so we can have much more friends:D!
  13. Floki

    Floki Captain

    I want a pirate submarine that's it nothing
  14. Cpt. Sharkhook

    Cpt. Sharkhook Powder Monkey

    After this is added Into the game you should set walls to be a 1x1 tile or add special "sea wall" upgrades for walls that allow no land to be beside your walls. Allowing these new fish to feast and grow while pirates swim to a safe patch of land some where far away. And honestly this will make island raiding much lest static. Typically all you see is the same basic design because (as great as wikis and YouTube are) everyone has to have a tediously set up island fortress. We're pirates! We love to sea the see why would our island be mostly sand and trees aligned so perfectly. Do our Gods not drink grog?
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
  15. Cpt. Sharkhook

    Cpt. Sharkhook Powder Monkey

    Was actually part of the inspirational basis for this idea.
  16. CappY chris

    CappY chris Powder Monkey

    I love the idea of having a aquarium where you could train different types of sharks and sea creatures to surround you island. Of course there would have to be limitations on how many, how strong, how fast they swam , etc., but love the idea!!! Add a whole new strategy to take on....
  17. Special ability: Sharknado!
    donkeykilla and Bear like this.
  18. Luqman

    Luqman Crew

  19. Your missing the fun:
    Warning inappropriate language! Ah well the entire movie is inappropriate..
  20. Luqman

    Luqman Crew

    Lol.Sharknado 2:The Second One :D

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