The BBG Strategie

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Matthias [ Pirates Games], Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Hi
    I made a second Video about the BBG Strategie. BBG= Buccaneers, Brutes and Gunners ;)

  2. Ftyga

    Ftyga Crew

    Watched It Before you Posted it on Forum ;)
  3. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    This is more in line with how I do Res Raids. Brutes to distract, then Gunners for random destruction and finally the Thief wave to get mah money.
  4. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

    Thats a Good tactic might changed it to BBGWD If U Have A WD Change 4 Buccaneers For 2 WD Or Maybe 2 Bucs For 1 To Revive the Brutes
  5. Tim Martel

    Tim Martel Crew

    I don't see the point of the buccaneers personally. The brutes tank for the gunners who do more dmg than buccs. What is the buccs role?

    Also, I like to carve a path for my troops by clearing the sides with a few and then drop the rest in the middle to guarantee they go into the base and not around the perimeter. A strategy commonly used in clash which also works here. Just dropping them all in one spot is often a recipe for disaster I've found.
  6. Stingy Tower

    Stingy Tower Powder Monkey

    That particular replay in the video doesn't seem like a good example. Most people know not to put their high level mortar next to water and put only a single gun tower and low level cannon to guard. All of the defenses being spread out made the attack look a lot easier than most other bases.
  7. This strategie is not ment to be a highlevel attack strategie. It's a strategie that allows you to grad some loot in the range of 150 up to 300 points.
    Ftyga likes this.
  8. Ftyga

    Ftyga Crew

    Ah Ok Then :)

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