The Future of Plunder Pirates

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by One-Eyed Willy, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Where do my fellow forum members, and island captains see the future of this game headed?

    As this game is a part of a MMO genre where people compete with others in real time for both loot and rank, there are many similarities to the counterpart games within this genre.

    That being said, each and every one of those games have had players who grew tired with the limited amount of objectives within the game; i.e. grow your base(upgrades), increase your rank.

    But doesn't this beg the question, "What is the end to these means?"

    Many people within this forum have been seen complaining about how the end-game content of Plunder Pirates is lacking any game changing aspect that would set itself apart from the already established games within the genre.

    I for one find much satisfaction in watching replays of one's own defenses going to work against an adversary. But for many others this doesn't seem to be such a fulfilling component to the game. They ask, "I maxed my buildings, now what? Or, I reached 900 rank score, now what? Or, What's the point of attaining such a high rank if plundering becomes almost impossible to accrue a substantial amount?"

    I feel as though something should be done to captivate those who have reached end-game content.

    A lot of hype and discussion about "Guild Wars" has been thought of as something that could help this conundrum, but even then it is somewhat tiresome after awhile as witnessed in games like CoC.

    To make it interesting their should be a new aspect to this game that would elicit a continued and rewarding sense of accomplishment and enjoyment.

    Here is my suggestion:

    Improve the exploration map so that there are Boss Islands. Where several guild members need to log in simultaneously and conquer a Boss Island together. As a result, guild achievements could be attained with unique rewards that make the gameplay much more interesting.

    Unique decorations could be purchased that add a formidable flare to one's base after successfully defeating a world boss.

    Furthermore, Titles could be achieved from completing some of these multiplayer quests. For example, after destroying a world boss a Blackbeard could gain the title, Blackbeard the Destroyer, or Grogmaster Blackbeard.

    I just hate hearing people complain about how this game doesn't seem to have a satisfying end-game agenda and subsequently get tired and quit. I would like to see something done to reinforce people's interest without just adding new levels of buildings to upgrade.
    Tex, Kelani, SaK and 1 other person like this.


    The world of Plunder Pirates currently is flat, literally and metaphorically. For six some odd months I have played and hoped but alas we are at a gaming tipping point with PP.

    The world of PP needs to be round and juicy. If you cleared your map, a whirlpool appears in one corner and reveals a subterranean world. Bosses, hidden treasures, Royal Navy always on your ass, etc.

    If we were on a railroad , the tracks have stopped. We loved the ride, paid and paid for it. Our personal time and money. The rich and creative juices that gave us what we have so far please lay down more tracks so we can continue our journey with you.

    My hope is we will be WOWED! Our fans have and expect quality from us. Let's deliver!
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Guys there is So much new content planned. It's just a matter of time. Multiple new maps will be released with new challenges, new map bases to fight. Legendary pirates are coming, we may have already seen 2-3 of them. Guild wars which is huge, I play coc and guild wars is my only means of enjoyment. Not everyone is tired of it.

    As far as the idea of a world boss, the idea has been suggested. It's a cool concept, but maybe too complicated to implement. Requiring multiple people to be live on the same island, but I don't really know. Anyways, the game is growing exponentially compared to other games, and there are plenty of features in the pipeline. So don't give up hope yet!
  4. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    There's lots of stuff coming over the next year, including co-operative guild exploration/PvE (and more new exploration stuff in general). ;) Although it's likely to be asynchronous, as we don't want to put guild with an international membership at a disadvantage.

    Competitive guild PvP will be arriving before that. Possibly sooner than you think...
    One-Eyed Willy, alebvk, Arr and 7 others like this.
  5. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Next year?:confused:

    The problem with Midoki team IMO is that there is certain gap between the two updates and in between those updates people are easily finishing, upgrading all and by the time the next update comes its becoming boring again.... like there is nothing but only to grind for walls or bp.

    My suggestion would be...if midoki wants to hook people up they need to act quickly and can't let the people idle for month or so in between the updates.
    Kelani likes this.
  6. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Apologies Sak, I worded that badly - I meant over this year!
    SaK likes this.
  7. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Thank you Lynsey for the insight! Can't wait!!! As usual, ignore those that grew up in a self centered world of instant gratification. Most of us are aware developing a quality application takes time. Thank you.
    Stranded Pirate and Kelani like this.
  8. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Since there are up to 50 members within a guild I believe it would be somewhat easy for there to be a 2-5 guild member battle that would be easy to be facilitated. Furthermore, even if timezones do come into effect, as do player's lifestyles. So as players are living in different timezones they are also playing at different hours of the day anyway. Players living in one timezone may play in the morning or in the night time. SO geolocation isn't really an inhibiting factor, especially with a 50 member guild. I don't play it but I am pretty sure the game Boom Beach offers a system where players can battle within PvE simultaneously.

    Anyway thanks for your feedback. Glad to know the Midoki team is listening!

    P.S. I'd also like to mention that I started this thread because I noticed others talking about growing tired of how the framework of the game is very linear and without a long-lasting objective. I for one have been perfectly content at the way things have progressed, just wanted to make that clear.

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