The path in Academy, Jugs, Bombers and Heavy Gunner

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by BOB FOLY, Jan 14, 2015.


    BOB FOLY Crew

    So when I start to play I was just doing all the upgrades not really understand the outcome of my choices, lucky for me I realized the error of my way before it was too late with my Witch Doctor he's not 50k but 75k is better then 100k lol.

    Now I'm on to my Jugs Bombers and one day the Heavy Gunner.

    Is it worth putting the jugs to 12,000g to add the +15 ATTACK and + 150 DEFENCE, should I do one set or the other, or would I be just as well off at this level not having to spend the extra grog.

    Same as the Jugs, is the extra + 10 ATTACK worth it, I wouldn't do the +5 DEFENCE doesn't seek worth it.

    Now for the Heavy Gunner, in my mind this troop is upgraded as far as it needs to be, I may do the Cannon Crusher for the extra damage but for another +10 ATTACK AND +10 DEFENCE the finished hire cost doesn't seem worth any of those 4 upgrades, I find him pretty useless as is.

    These are my options I know I made mistakes early into the trees of most my troops but I don't wanna make things any harder on myself.
    My over all goal is to be back in top 100 rank again and push for better once I finish my assumed Pirate Hall 8 upgrades that I assume are coming this month.
    # Johnny Doe # likes this.
  2. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    Awesome post!
    unfortunately can't answer cos i'm in the same dilemma as you :)

    My Juggs and Bombers I've held 2 levels behind you.
    My WD's are 40K and if not for the stupid +3 upgrade I'd have 30K and use 3 of them instead of 1 maxed any day, so instead I'd rather use 2 at 80K instead of 1 at 100K ;)
    BOB FOLY likes this.

    BOB FOLY Crew

    Your WD will be the same as mine if you upgrade all the way to guardian I skipped the last pointless upgrade.
    I didn't understand the Tree when I started my WD upgrades but I caught on just in time to skip that one defence.


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