Thieves need a boost.

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Capin blackbeard, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Capin blackbeard

    Capin blackbeard Powder Monkey

    Currently u dont really need any of the damaging units but the gunners to take down everything,i mean brutes are good so are the which doctor and other deffensive units,but any tactic i try with other damaging units fail.they are just not worth it while the gunners can attack from behind a double layered wall and not engage with mortar hits since they dont stack with melees,melee units need much more health than they now in my opinion,that way i would use thieves and others.
  2. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    There are many threads about balancing the PVP. Couldn't agree with yo more, I would love to use a greater variety of units for battle.
  3. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    perhaps they can have a disable effect that weapons near it have -10% firing speed or something..
  4. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    At least traps, right? Isn't that something thieves are supposed to be good at? Like @Gristle said, there are lots of ideas in the forums about balancing out the thieves and other units too.
  5. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Trap evasion is my favorite idea for them them.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I'd settle for 10-15 seconds of invisibility while attacking stores. Anything to make the current skill useful.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  7. I would love to use the Thieves, but there aren't necessary... unless they receive a boost.
    Gunners take care of enemy resource buildings in two seconds
  8. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    the more I play around with them the more I notice that their speed is their greatest advantage. Since that can be upgraded quite a bit I can only imagine how lightning fast they'll be once fully upgraded. At that point I might just use them in place of bucs, the same way I once used goblins in CoC
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Yea. I can see them being useful upgraded. And I know at least one guy in our guild that uses them religiously.
  10. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    That speed is useful in many ways, like when you forget to drop troops near some stupid building hidden in the corner of the map. Thief speed also applies to swimming, so they've been responsible for lots of 100% victories I probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

    On a related note, I get scattering buildings, but I don't get why people put an outhouse or two in the corners. By making someone get 98%, aren't they just depriving themselves of a better shield?
  11. Skull Bozu

    Skull Bozu Powder Monkey

    Thieves are the best recruit in the game.
  12. 100% doensn't get you a better shield compared to 98%. If somebody does 40% the defender gets a 2 hour shield. And if somebody get a star the defender gets a 12 hour shield. Thats the options.
  13. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    @The Fish Eyed Pirate Thank you for the correction. A lot of people miscalculate their shield's time remaining and think there are many different lengths. Then they post about it and Kels get confused. I'd always thought it was 2hr for 40% and *=6hr **=8hr and ***=12hr.
  14. Barbozia

    Barbozia Powder Monkey

    I totally agree, outhouses can take 800 damage, they are great to fill spaces next to a cannon or tower.
    Kelani likes this.

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