This game is frustratingly unplayable

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by Spadge, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. Spadge

    Spadge Powder Monkey

    Whether it be being unable to login due to server crashes/maintenance, game crashing mid pvp and losing all rewards as well as troops used, random crashes while just collecting things in my town, or the random rollbacks that happen. Then after those crashes waiting to log on for upwards of 30 minutes because of the server issues.

    Please fix these problems, then let us know when you do so we can play again.
  2. Nimean®

    Nimean® Powder Monkey

    I would like to add, that besides the horrendous amount of game freezes and crashes. I have noticed that when the game freezes in pvp mode (sometimes during activation of troop powers), when you finally get back into the game you not only lose troops, but you lose gained rewards AND you're automatically credited as a LOSS despite gaining 95% destruction. i would have won all my matches so far and still have over 100+ rating if not for these fails.

    Thats no. 1. Also when recruiting (and the game crashes/freezes) you have to restart recruiting and lose all the grog spent on the initial batch of recruits.

    Please aim to give the servers more stability and dont do what a lot of developers do in games like this and ignore our pleas.

    Thank you
  3. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    Hi there. We completely understand that the connection issues and freezing are incredibly frustrating and we're doing everything we can to get the game stable and functioning correctly for everyone. Please bear with us, we're getting there.
  4. Superboy

    Superboy Powder Monkey

    How close? Now I am waiting here because I can't get in the game. I don't wanna give it up, but very close now.
  5. T&L

    T&L Powder Monkey

    Giving up...

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