Tiered rumbles

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by Skye, May 23, 2015.

  1. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I'm not sure what full on guild wars are going to look like, so maybe that will be better than this idea, but otherwise I have a suggestion to improve the Rumble feature.

    Divide the rumble into 4 tiers.

    A featherweight tier (100k gold to enter instead of gems, for small/inactive/casual/lower level guilds - low risk to enter, you don't lose a lot, but it lets them fight and have fun anyways for really small rewards tailored for low ph levels)

    Lightweight tier (5 gems to enter, current rewards, for casual or smaller guilds - intended to be relatively gem-free)

    Middleweight tier (25-50 gems to enter, increased rewards, for active smaller guilds, or casual large guilds - light gemming optional)

    Heavyweight tier (100-500 gems to enter, LARGE rewards, for active large guilds, gems will probably fly here if you want first place - this is for the hardcore players. you probably don't HAVE to spend to win, but I expect plenty would gem at least a bit)

    They could only match up with other guilds entered in the same tier. Your guild would choose the tier most appropriate for it. No one has to enter the more expensive, more hardcore/serious tiers. But if you chose to, you'd be more apt to be matched with similar guilds with similar activity/play levels.

    The final suggestion I have for this is to give us a decoration reward for the first time winning in a tier (a flag? or a statue/trophy, but I opt for flag with multi-wind-direction coming out!) that could be swapped between 4 different styles depending on which tiers you've won in. This lets you display the highest tier you've won in on your island. Have it be one single decoration, so that you don't force high end guilds to join featherweight for that reward. Winning a weight class would give you that design, and all lower weight designs.
    TBird likes this.
  2. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Rumbles are already automatically tiered - the current tiering system changes the Rumble rewards according to the average PH level of the participating guilds, so that both low level and high level players will get relevant rewards.

    The issue at the moment is that the matchmaking still needs some work - Rumbles are supposed to prioritise finding guilds of a similar size, with a similar PH level, but will expand the search to include a wider range if they can't find anyone relevant. As we didn't want people to be waiting for ages for their Rumble to start, we made the expanded search trigger relatively quickly, meaning that we're currently seeing quite a few Rumbles with less than optimal matchmaking (i.e. 2 man guilds being pitted against 50 member behemoths).
  3. Jmababa

    Jmababa Powder Monkey

    Just add member calculator directly in rumble so that the program will also calculate how many membersin a guild then it will find a guild with the same number of members also im a computer programer so i know this is the only solution
  4. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Jmbaba: Although programmer you should re-read lynsey her reply. The exact suggested method by you is allready in place but overrulled by the priority of stadting the rumble not too long after the start.

    As cap of My guild We like the suggested setup of Skye. I would also like Some sort of optoom to choose types of Rumbles. Multi day Rumbles Or indeed multi level/tier Rumbles.

    For now the rumble options is enough but this would be a great option upgrade for the future.

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