Training Question...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SJO, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. SJO

    SJO Powder Monkey

    I unlocked the Brute at Pirate hall 2, but when I go to train his ability in the academy I can't do until I upgrade my storages which is at PH3 (Pirate Hall 3). If I can unlock the brute through the tavern, why can't I upgrade his first ability?
  2. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Im confused? Are you sure you upgraded the academy to lvl 2?
  3. SJO

    SJO Powder Monkey

    No, I upgraded my tavern to unlock the brutes, but when I go to unlock their first ability in the academy I can't. I just wonder why I'm unable to upgrade their ability if I unlocked them at PH2. It looks odd to me, so I'm wondering if that was a mistake or if it were on purpose.

    Currently I'm upgrading my Gunners' toughness for level 2. I'd like to max out everything before moving on.
  4. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    what is you academy lvl?
  5. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Though I must say it sounds strange. you SHOULD be able to upgrade the brutes at academy lvl 1. That first 200+ in toughness should be available
    SJO likes this.
  6. SJO

    SJO Powder Monkey

    Level 1, maxed for PH2.

    My point exactly, that doesn't make sense. I can't because my storage isn't able to reach 75,000 Grog.
  7. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I promise you that we have missed something very simple here, and that we will get that ''aaahaaa'' eye-opener experience in the end lol
  8. SJO

    SJO Powder Monkey

    Luckily for me I joined before the high and mighty horse riders come sweeping through to tell me to just upgrade my PH and my problem is solved, lol!
    Gangrene Beard likes this.
  9. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    You needed Th3 for the brute? well, there you see. Problem solved mate:)

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