Troop deployment improvement suggestion

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Brotown, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Brotown

    Brotown Powder Monkey

    This is just an idea, seeing as you have made an ideas section I thought I would mention.
    I think it would be good if when you select "Fight" to start the battle that there were no troops pre-selected to deploy. Ie- at the moment the troops to the left are pre-selected at the bottom.
    Quite a few times now the timer has run out or I have selected "Fight" and I'm still rotating the map around and then suddenly half of my troops are out and I haven't even realized. Frustrating.
    If you had to manually select the troops by clicking on them first then this could be avoided.
    Not a big deal and if you can't fix then its ok, but it would certainly help me.
  2. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I'd like this idea too, but we may have to just wait until the next update comes out to have a solution already there. Fingers crossed. If not, I agree with your suggestion too
  3. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    I understand the problem, I think you're saying that when you're looking around the island you're also accidentally dropping troops because the first is selected. In the short term if you make sure you put your fingers over land when you are turning the camera, no troops can be deployed because they need to be over water.

    This is just a short term fix though. We can investigate having all the troops deselected at start
  4. Brotown

    Brotown Powder Monkey

    Thanks guys.
  5. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I have never had this problem. Usually because I always zoom in and out by always putting my fingers on the island as Chris mentioned. But I still agree that the troops shouldn't be selected when starting a fight, that would make it a lot easier.

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