Troop Experience Points

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by LYM, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. LYM

    LYM Captain

    ive noticed a number of bases that has gemmed there way to being max, not a cheap way to do it but good for midoki bottom line.

    Is there a way that your troops can earn expirence points bases on a number of factors that can only be earned by playing and not gemming your points.

    For example.

    A gunner could have a range at each level that it could earn addition point or pecentage.

    The more you use the gunner the stronger in becomes.

    But balance this against the level of ph your attacking and rank of the base your attacking snd the rank your attacking from.

    Dont allow people to hit easy bases to build up exp points.

    Allow players who play the game to blossum, and the people who gem there way up to hide behind shields to become weaker.

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