Type the wrong Button

Discussion in 'Guild Improvements' started by hduwhyso, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. hduwhyso

    hduwhyso Crew

    Someone want to join our guild.But I type the worng button "Reject".Then he can not join.I will feel so guilt because of typing the wrong button.
    I hope I can change our mistakes.Hope Midoki can give me the chance
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    @hduwhyso when a member is 'rejected' there is a time-out period that they must wait before retying (someone may correct/define this better)
    Accidental rejections are common (particularly in alliance guilds) and Captains/members have no way of contacting new members that have been rejected; if you can contact them or they are still trying, get the Captain to set the 'gate' to OPEN then change it back after they are in..
  3. hduwhyso

    hduwhyso Crew

    Good ideaļ¼Œbut I hope Midoki can make it better.He who want to join our guild is a good fighter,but I have no way to contact him.That's a big loss for our guild.
  4. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Hopefully we will eventually get private messages, but I think Midoki is concerned about having to hire someone to moderate them since surely players will send distasteful or abusive messages, especially after being plundered.
  5. hduwhyso

    hduwhyso Crew

    You can open a new thread for this.But I hope so too
  6. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Its been suggested in other threads before. I was talking about the comments about wanting a way of contacting an accidentally rejected player to tell them to try again.

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