
Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by Blueberry, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. Blueberry

    Blueberry Captain


    How can a guild of 14 mostly non gemming players be matched against guilds of 20+ And gemmers at that.

    I can't afford to gem on my mini, I already gem on my main occasionally, ok all the time... but still, this is so depressing :(
    Tessa Rose, Spongee and Intimidator like this.
  2. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    @Blueberry Thank you for speaking up and exposing this dark underbelly that been hidden away in proverbial dark closets, afraid to be spoken out of fear of mockery or shame some may face. I am a gemmer with a non-gemming baby account. I couldn't agree more, it is not fair that my non-gemming account should be matched against gemming guilds. Something needs to be done to help my non-gemming baby account while not touching the match ups that my gemming account gets against all the other non-gemming guilds. I must admit, I share the start times of the gemming guilds with my non-gemming account, but yet these unfair match ups still happen. I request Midoki look into this immeditely, or I will be forced to restore some balance and order into the rumble realm by buying gems for my non-gemming baby account.
  3. Blueberry

    Blueberry Captain

    I at least expect my 5 gems back spent in starting the rumble when I lose
    Intimidator and Tessa Rose like this.
  4. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    And before someone asks the stupid question how does buying gems on my non-gemming account punish Midoki, I'll answer that.

    If everyone in this and other non-gemming guilds start to buy gems, that would leave fewer non-gemming guilds and more gemming guilds. The non-gemming guilds would be getting even worse match ups than they are now. Balance in the rumble realm would be lost. The pitchforks will come out, Chris and the others at Midoki would be burned in effigy.
  5. Tessa Rose

    Tessa Rose First Mate

    I will just add that is it near impossible to upgade my ph11 alt with no gems and that is unfair too, and to top that off, any loot that I do amass is wiped out by a gemming rival.
    Intimidator, Ian and Blueberry like this.
  6. Blueberry

    Blueberry Captain

    Tessa Rose likes this.
  7. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    @Tessa Rose I agree. As many are aware, I never look at names when farming or raiding an island. I've attacked my non-gemming baby account numerous times with my main account, completely robbing all the gold and grog with thieves and not even leaving myself a shield. Where is the fairness in that?!
  8. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    At least @Spongee you have the opportunity for a successful, planned revenge. Max out your stores, move them out then log off and at the same time revenge with your alt. :rolleyes:

    sounds like a win/win situation
  9. Blueberry

    Blueberry Captain

    @Spongee I am outraged that you just thief raided my gemming main account with one of your gemming accounts, so heaven knows how I would feel if you did the same on my non gemming baby account! :mad:
    Intimidator, Ian and Tessa Rose like this.
  10. awbo

    awbo Captain

    Gems aside,+/- 25 in matching sucks. Let us choose to go in the toddler pool with a small guild, don't lump us all in the big pool :)
    Blueberry likes this.

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