Unit Promotion

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by captaintau, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. captaintau

    captaintau Crew

    Note "promotion," not "upgrade."

    We all know that there are quirks to the AI of the pirates. But sometimes, just sometimes, a pirate or two will show surprising initiative in battle. Consider an island layout in which there is one central island then several sub islands. Each holding, say, a single goldmine or grog distillery. I'm sure we've all been there; we win the plunder taking 80% / 2 stars but run out of time. There's lots of plunder to be had... in those small islands but we've lacked the troops. OR we don't get the Battle Points due to a single builder's hut off in one corner preventing the 100%.

    I've had it where I've dispatched some pirates at the start of the battle to plunder some of these whilst the bulk of attack is directed at the ship, PH, stores and defences. The battle finishes, I have 20 seconds left and am surprised to find that one or two pirates, instead of joining the main battle have swam the circumference of the island and mopped up the outhouses.

    Or indeed one pirate has been particularly successful in battle.

    Just ONE surviving pirate from each battle I'd love to take home and promote him. Give him or her a upgrade in damage, defence and intelligence. A bit like how C&C promote mid-battle. And then use him/her again. And again potentially (quite unlikely).

    What do we think?
    TBird likes this.
  2. porrig

    porrig Crew

    I always check out the map in full for those hidden buildings that are tucked away in the corners. Get really annoyed with myself if I ever miss one. So maybe we also need a demotion for the user in those cases. ;)

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