Upgrade juggernauts with fire suit.

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by DamianWars, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    juggernauts are supposed to seek and destroy traps. I suggest an upgrade that give then an extended ability, like a fire suit, to run to flame gates and absorb all the fire or wait until the flame is over with less damage then a normal pirate would take.
  2. I like the concept!
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It was mentioned somewhere by me that they could have a similar upgrade, but the explanation would be that they carry water in their barrel .
  4. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    +1 here....
  5. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    Water in the barrel is a perfect way to implement it
  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Doesn't this sorta kill the purpose of even having flame gates?
    At the 700 level attackers are having no trouble defeating whatever base I try.
    Don't want to give any more advantage to the attackers IMO.
  7. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    level 700 is the not much different than 600, or 500 cause pretty much all players at those levels have maxed out pirates. What separates level 700 or 1000 is the skill of the player or the amount of gems they are spending to recurit pirates faster so they can win increase their rank quicker.

    I don't find this feature much of a change and it has its pros as well as its cons. A juggernaut function is that he runs to a a "trap" and defuses it before other pirates get there. the design of the trap is to target the pirates not to be defused by a juggernaut and this is the same with the fire gates.

    I see this implementation just like the mystic mines, the effect of the mine to the juggernaut is no different than any other pirate it's just the jugger seeks them out and sets them off to clear the way for the rest of the pirates. If other pirates are in the range of the mine while the jugger sets it off they are also affected. Normally these "traps" he seeks out are hidden but since pirates seem to have no knowledge of danger of the flame gates I suggest it is "hidden" as well and should be treated the same as the other traps. The jugger would merely run to the flame gate and set it off and remain at the flame gate until he is either dead or the flame is defused... I will add he is doing nothing else but just standing collecting damage or maybe doing some fire animation like stop, drop and roll but still collecting damange. During this time pirates may still pass through the gate and can still be affected the only benefit is the jugger may defuse the fire gate quicker allowing fewer pirates to be affected. The side effect is it will kill off your juggers quicker.
    alebvk likes this.

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