Victories turned lost with losses

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by Ciro, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Ciro

    Ciro Powder Monkey

    I lost 2-3h of my last night with bugs in the plunders. First one i won the attack, but appears i loose, got less grog and gold and still lost rank. And my troops were loosen, had to recruit it again. The second in sequence happened the same, please look at the attached images where it gives no option for replay, also some images i took from screen.
    I went from 415pr to 390 because of bugs, and instead of taking 200k grog and more gold i got just a smaller part of it.

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    Player information:
    PlayerName: Pirate Death
    PlayerRefId: oPsKWlVyxdI=
    GuildName: Space Pirates

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  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    As for the 1 replay that is different than the log. The log is always correct.

    As for the rest of them. I've had similar problems of the game shutting down. Mid battle. When. I open the app again the partial battle is in my log, but no replay or share options.

    I've just assumed it was a connection issue since I've had spotty service whenever it had happened.

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