Voodoo Carnival

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Gangrene Beard, Oct 5, 2014.

  1. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    So after looking over a few ideas and pondering how I could integrate my ideas with them I had a great idea - Voodoo Pirate Carnival Games!(games of chance/skill) These would be classic midway games with a voodoo twist.

    *knock down bottles of grog
    *parrot shoot
    *throwing bones(dice)

    Gems would be used as currency to play (so obviously it could get some of us in serious gem debt)

    The games would pay out as a result of chance and skill. The payouts would consist of voodoo tokens that can be used for temporary hero skill boosts, OR combined into totems that give permanent boosts to buildings (sped up resource production, faster ships, etc)

    To save space, the tokens and totems could be placed into an inventory window that's accessible through the Voodoo Hut.

    So what do you all think? I really like the idea of an additional resource that can be used to boost different avenues of the game but I don't think it should be automatically generated.
  2. Joshua P

    Joshua P Powder Monkey

    You mean just like the Darmoon Fair?
  3. Joshua P

    Joshua P Powder Monkey

    Darkmoon Faire*
  4. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Yes, but themed towards pirates or voodoo or both, and prizes would be the voodoo tokens(chicken feet, shrunken heads, bone necklace)
  5. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

  6. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    Interesting, would like to be able to win gems back, or some sort of other prize ( dig the voodoo stuff), but like the ability to make custom changes to your ship, island etc...
  7. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Sounds amazing.
    I do agree it would require chance..because veterans would win every time.
    Sort of like blackjack. It has chance, but skill to count cards.

    Great idea! :)
  8. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Maybe like a 1-5% chance to get back double the gems you bet with?
  9. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    Yea, rockin' , it has to be small...so it cannot be taken advantage of.
  10. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Exactly. I see something like this as severely setting the game apart from similar games. The totems could also seriously enhance gameplay too, and since anyone can generate gems by sailing the light blue seas, there's a chance that lower levels could seriously overpower.
  11. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    Make the totems work for sea battles (since you cannot see them anyhow for now) could be a lift over the hump while hitting a level 4 ship/monster/fish. The there is no PVP crazy advantage ;)
  12. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Sounds perfect to me!
  13. Lol no voodoo hut here :p Who needs Witch Doctors when you have strategy :D
  14. SirVin

    SirVin First Mate

  15. MrLapo

    MrLapo Powder Monkey

    The Fair could be located on an island you have to travel to, so time will be consumed (this is the essence of the game).
    At the Fair, one may have limited tries to win some prizes.
    I like the voodoo temporary boosts :)
    Gangrene Beard likes this.

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