Want free gems?

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by Ogre's Reef, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Then come over to Bad Piggies and help us win them in rumbles. ;)

    Seriously, we have been going through a rebuild after losing several top players to the invincible witch doctor and other bugs. We are a nice group of people and enjoy rumbling 2-3 times per week. The rest of the time we farm and enjoy ourselves. We have many experienced crew that have been playing more than a year that can help you improve your game play and provide encouragement to our growing players.

    Like the other top crews we keep the perks running and donate good Guild Ship crew.

    We have loosened up our crew requirements to include anyone Pirate Hall 7 and above, with at least an Academy 6. As long as you are active, you are welcome. PM me if interested or just send us a join request.
    Super-Nor likes this.
  2. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    Bad Piggies are an awesome guild. Give them a serious look.
  3. As we move to a more balanced rumbling system, come join an active crew. Our rebuild is working and we are winning rumbles even with our reduced crew size. But we need another 10-15 active crew. Come visit and we think you will like what you see and stay a while.
    lady blackbeard likes this.

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