Warning/gem button when launching attack with incomplete army

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Neckbeard, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Neckbeard

    Neckbeard Crew

    I get myself in trouble once in a while, starting to search for a battle without my full army being done cooking. How about, if we click on "fight a rival captain" with troops still training in the tavern, a dialog pops up and offers three choices:
    • Fight anyway
    • Cancel
    • Finish training (X gems)
    This would save me from accidentally starting an attack when all I have is the WD and HGs I didn't use from the last battle, and having to surrender. Plus from the standpoint of Midoki's gem sales, another way to spend them couldn't hurt, eh?

    I could see this getting annoying if the way you play you always "fight anyway". I have done that myself, for example when BP hunting at zero rank, so I could cook troops while fighting. If a lot of people feel that way, an "always fight anyway" check box could be put into the settings.
    Fakebeard the Ba, Kelani and SaK like this.
  2. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    the last option finish training with gems option can reduce the training time speed up the whole process of the gameplay.

    thats what midoki doesnt want. i guess

    in htis way people will always be searching without any wait and use gems as soon as big bases are found.

    right now many people have already maxed out ph7, so more speed in this game is not desired by midoki at this time!!

    but appreciate ur imagination!; always like ur unique ideas:)
  3. Neckbeard

    Neckbeard Crew

    Oh, what I meant was, this dialog would pop up before the search begins. There would be no advantage to using that button vs. going to the tavern and clicking the Finish button there...except for fewer clicks.
  4. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    ah...then I AM 100% with u...
    +1 from me!:)
  5. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I like this idea, but there are plans to add some kind of Tavern queueing system, so you can take one full crew out and train another. Not sure if these would be able to coexist, but if so, I'm all for it.

  6. Neckbeard

    Neckbeard Crew

    Interesting! Yeah we'd have to understand the UI flow for that feature to know whether a dialog box like this would work with it.
    Kelani likes this.
  7. The idea is simple, achievable and pretty nifty. +1

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