WARNING - I was Robbed!!

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by DolarnSens, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. DolarnSens

    DolarnSens Powder Monkey

    I played in a rumble against A fort that had 4 billion grog and over 4 billion gold. It was an extremely easy fight and I won it all. When I signed off to go and renew my Pirates all my gold and my grog was stolen - I had zero on both!!
    Beware! It had Chinese letters. It did seem very easy so if it's too good to be true - it's too good to be true - beware!!!!
    The craziest part is I can't even show the event.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  2. Booty isle

    Booty isle Captain

    I think u mean millions.
  3. DolarnSens

    DolarnSens Powder Monkey

    It was a hack for that's been going around the site -seriously it was $4 billion On grog and gold. A 4 followed by 12 numbers! I had my loot in millions number and he sucked it all
  4. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut First Mate

    How about the top rumbling guild? The Chinese one that scored 54k+ with only 24 members, wich by the way it never shows on any of the players profiles, their last score or their avg score, doesn't that ring a bell Midoki?
  5. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    If you restart the game and play the replay again, does it consistently show it as 4,294,967,295? Because sometimes the info request times out when loading the replay, and the player's rank defaults to 0 and the loot defaults to int32_max (4,294,967,295), which you can think of as "placeholder" values until the real values are filled in. Its possible its a hack, but its also possible your network connection just timed out/errored in some fashion when it was trying to get the data. Either way it should be investigated, but that is one reason it happens.

    As for the 54k guild with 24 members, I believe they recruited a bunch of minis for the rumble, put up an immense score, and then kicked all the minis after it finished (bringing it to 24 members). This put them high atop the leaderboard, getting them visibility and probably a lot of join requests for their guild. A mini can easily put up 2-3k points in a rumble, and 26 of them certainly could break 50k (if they were dedicated enough, I could imagine a guild of 50 minis putting up 200-250k in a rumble, since I know of legitimate players that can get 5k bp at ph9 with a full 20 hour day full of gemming).
  6. DolarnSens

    DolarnSens Powder Monkey

    I can't do the replay. For some reason it's not there at all. Part. Of the hack?
  7. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Fil and Becker Redbeard like this.
  8. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Is that even a character in Chinese?

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