We need better AI for troops

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by ThunderStorm, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Hi there,
    I love the quick 3 minute battles. They are incredibly fun. But there are few things that could make your gameplay better & smarter.

    I would like to highlight a few things.

    1. Better AI for soldiers:
    Fighting smartly could mean the difference between winning and losing. With a small change in battle strategy, much better results can be obtained. I don't know much about how the soldiers are programmed to fight, but they could use a little improvement.

    For example, the soldiers keep on taking hit from cannons or guard towers when they are busy destroying a building. If they destroy the cannons first then they can safely destroy the remaining buildings. So, is it possible to instruct the soldiers to destroy the cannons first and then proceed to destroy other building?

    If this seems generic to you, consider a more specific case. If soldiers are taking a hit from a specific cannon when they are busy destroying a building, then they should divert their attention to destroying that cannon first and then come back to destroying the building. This makes a lot of difference.

    Another strategy is to head for the resources first. I think thief achieves the same. So, no issues.

    Another strategy could be to head for the main building (Pirate Hall) directly.

    These different strategies of soldiers could be made into a templete and players could be given an option of how they want to attack their enemy.

    Otherwise, there is option 2.

    2. Ability to control soldiers during a battle:
    This involves selecting your soldiers and then tapping on the building which you want them to attack. Soldiers can be selected by drawing a square over them or something. And once soldiers are selected, the player can then select a specific building which he or she wants to attack.

    This is just like PC games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2.

    I think mobile and tablet games will reach that level of sophistication soon. Or maybe they already have.

    So, I would love to see these improvements in the gameplay.

    Because, once I leave the soldiers, I have no control over how they play. And that upsets me. It's like a gamble. I want to feel responsible for my victory. So, I wish to see more active participation in each battle. Also, sometimes, a soldier gets stuck and I have to wait for the timer to end. Please address that bug/glitch also.

    Otherwise, the game is really fun. It's better than Clash of Clans. But I wish to see an improved version of game. Let's hope Plunder Pirates 2 comes out which is a big improvement over this game (not insulting this game). This PvP battle concept can be exploited further by improving the gameplay.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  2. The ai is fine, learn to attack better. Throw down brutes to take fire from weapons while the rest of your troops clean up everything else
  3. Razor

    Razor Crew

    I doubt there will be Plunder Pirates 2, they can just keep updating this one. Also you would probably win every time if you got to choose the buildings they attack, you could choose the defences first then once all of them are taken out its an easy win, or you could choose the Pirate Hall and get 1 star easily.
  4. Bryce

    Bryce Powder Monkey

    Sounds like you're into RTS games..
  5. True. That is a good tactic. But it has its limitations as well. The brute gets stuck on some random building or the ship and gets cut off from the battle. Also, the brute occupies 4 slots and its strength is also about 4-5 times. So, it works out the same.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  6. I'm just a newbie to this game. An amateur player only. Nothing serious. :)
  7. They could make structures a little stronger to compensate for that. It will make the game more realistic. Because buildings are not so easily destroyed by gunners. This game is a little too easy & simplistic on that front.
  8. TBird

    TBird Captain

    2. Ability to control soldiers during a battle:
    This involves selecting your soldiers and then tapping on the building which you want them to attack. Soldiers can be selected by drawing a square over them or something. And once soldiers are selected, the player can then select a specific building which he or she wants to attack.<<

    I agree about the control of attack.
    In Friendly Fire you click the unit, drag it to the building you want to attack (which FF bulls eye for the attack) and it goes and attacks that building.
    Need that attack control!!!!!
  9. I think te AI is just fine this way. This makes it even more of a strategic game because you can't control you men. You must plan carefully what base you want to attack, where you want to drop you troops, en how much troops you drop at that place at that specific time.

    And even before that, what troops do you want to bring etc etc.
    Call it simple I call it brilliant and more tactical then C&C, red alert ao.
  10. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    The game will be way too easy if your pirates turn their attention to whichever defensive unit engages them. Not a great idea, their will be nothing but 3 star wins.
    Edward Kenway likes this.
  11. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I agree with this. Defenses are the only thing between you and the 3 stars basically.
  12. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Lack of control is not "strategic"; its just random luck.
    In real life if a pirate was being shot at by canon, they wouldn't keep attacking a tavern.
    In real life if there was only 40 secs left a pirate wouldn't keep attacking an out house, he would attack the pirate house.
    Control of the unit attack to a must in a future update.
    It's easily done in other games (Friendly Fire).
    Not having control makes CoC and Boom Beach more like watching a movie and not a strategy game.
  13. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Well actually in real life a cannon wouldn't fire on it's own, you would attack the person firing it so that argument holds no weight.
    If it's random luck than you would just drop your troops in a corner and wait for it to end. There's plenty of strategy in knowing where your troops will path, and taking that into consideration. Controlling troops after they have been dropped will make this game way too easy.
  14. It's a call game developers will have to take. Whether they want sophistication versus simplicity & ease of use. If the game is meant for casual gamers then it is fine as it is. If the game is for advanced players, then this feature should be included. And even when the feature is there, one doesn't have to use it. So, it will not spoil the game for simple casual players. They can just drop the soldiers and watch how the battle goes.
  15. You don't really have a choice if the feature is there, because if you don't use it you are way less powerful. So that argument is also invalid. As far as the game I don't think you understand the point. This game is not mend to be fully realistic, it is mend to be fun and somewhat tactical. (Well at least @donkeykilla , @Edward Kenway and I find it tactical gameplay)
  16. I like it as it is also. It's fun, no doubt.
  17. Then let's keep it this way and not make it more complicated for poor 'ol @Chris [Midoki] ;)
  18. Yeah, he's already burdened with server maintenance. ;)
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  19. in real life pirates aren't controlled by some god-like creature who pokes at them from the sky.
    in real life a pirate being fired at by a cannon would likely run away and hide (not run towards it with a sword).
    in real life pirates don't have 3 minute timers?
    in real life alcohol is not a valid form of payment (well, usually not. definitely not for buildings!).

    i don't have android so i was only able to find cursory information about friendly fire, but it seems to be pretty different than this game and from the promotional video they have it seems like your tanks will only roll on existing streets.

    i think any of these games where defense is passive you can't give too much control to the attacker because attacking would become too simplistic. if an offensive player can provide commands to attacking units then a very large defensive buff would be required.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  20. Havel

    Havel Powder Monkey

    SOOOOO MANY TIMES, I just hit surrender as soon as I see that idiot randomly stray way away from the nearest cannon to solo club the boat all match.

    There should def be building priority. I cant understand why bucks and gunners would rather stray to topple a toilet instead of a giant gold chest or the freaking mortar 2 hitting them.
    Sigil likes this.

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