What's your 1st "Fully Trained" LEGENDARY?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HornyQuokka, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    #3 So, lets see if a goat can do some decent damage...:D

    Kamikazemug likes this.
  2. Mercutio

    Mercutio First Mate

    so jealous, again congrats, please share how awesome she must be...i wanna know!

    I finished finding my masks for Annabelle last week, she'll be my latest max LP in a few days. that makes Mack, Boomer, Ching, Annabelle for me with BB, Sadie, and Bart to follow. still haven't received Tinto, but heard I'm not missing anything. still would be nice to have the complete set, thus far.
    quint likes this.
  3. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Thanks, will do. Your maxed legendaries so far are impressive too, so congrats as well.

    Blackbeard, Romeo and Cornelius are all on last Lv upgrades, so will be complete soon as well.
    Right now i push the upgrades for Black Bart(LV 16) since i have a feeling he might be the most useful legendary for attacks.

    I have Tinto on LV 15 and like em a lot. Very useful in buffing nearby pirates, so i will max em before Annabelle(LV 16/ her AI is driving me crazy).
    Booty Slappa likes this.
  4. I have both Ching and Blackbeard at lvl 19
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  5. Mine will probably be greenbeard. His mortar ability bust be devastating for nearby mortars and ground pounders! Can't wait!
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  6. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    That's what I thought... Imagine green always to pop both Ground Pounders at max level just over the corner and the schips... Unfortunately he will never be strong enough to do so...

    First up wil probable be ching and Sadie. I had been saving up materials from the first announcement of a goat entering the game :D expected a wall breaking function but now I am loving the gun range!
  7. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I haven't maxed any LPs yet, but I'm curious, how much total BP required to max them all?
    I'm guessing the total BP is higher than most players (including me) actually have. If that's the case I'd like to hear some advice on what level recommended to take each LP to.
    Cap'n Greenbeard likes this.
  8. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    Ching Shih will be my first max lp. She is at lvl 22 right now hopefully will be upgrading to lvl 23 by end of the week. Need two more rubies to have enough of the epic materials, and 100 more iron. Man thats alot of iron. Congrats to both Mercutio and HornyQuokka for maxing out alot of their lps. It take time and dedication to achieve those goals.
    HornyQuokka and Mercutio like this.
  9. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Tinto is probably my favorite attack LP outside of Sadie, I prefer him much over Ching. He's not a great attacker himself, I never use him to actually damage anything, but that 30 extra damage to nearby troops is amazing. Sadly Tinto is my lowest, as I didn't think I would like him at first, but after I realized how great his buff was, I regret that. I don't ever use any GS troops, and for a while I wasn't using any LP outside of defending, but adding Tinto makes battles go much faster and helps keep me from running out of time, which has been getting more common with all the extra HP on PH10 buildings. Until we get the rest of our unit upgrades, making up for those 10 slots I'm too stubborn to ask for has him helping a lot.

    30 damage to an HG, times the mass of HG I release, is an insane amount of extra damage throughout the course of the battle. With Ching, that damage gets focused on one target, so 80% of my HG's bullets are wasted, as one bullet from each HG is enough to destroy almost any defense, leaving 4 extra bullets from all 6 of my HG not doing any damage at all, really losing their benefit - yes she kills off defenses which is nice when used right, but the DPS loss is irrecoverable for me, and she dies much faster being in the heat of things, giving less overall time the buff is active anyways.
    Cap'n Greenbeard and HornyQuokka like this.
  10. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    # 4
    Skye likes this.
  11. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

  12. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    This will be the last for some time....
  13. acersharp1

    acersharp1 First Mate

    In a way it's insane for me to imagine maxing one as I can't get an emerald or a ruby for the life of me. I've attacked ship that drops emerald 20 times without getting one to progress Bart. Only another 33333 emeralds to go....

    Congrats though that's awesome!
  14. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    It only takes a couple hundred, and you get plenty if you streak to get chests, or buy chests straight up. Doing it for free, it will probably take a year to do a single LP purely off sailing. Sailing for rare materials is not the right way to max your LP.

    But sailing does give you a lot of free gems if you follow my guide (don't sail to fight monsters for rare materials, sail to get gems - monsters are only efficient if you're farming commons), you could easily get 20+ gems a day, and that's enough to streak to 30 wins 5 times a week (1 gem per battle, go for a 1* with a cheap army and then finish the fight). If you throw in gems from winning rumbles and the ton you have from doing quests, you could probably do 2 streaks to 30 every single day, provided you have the 3 hours a day to do them.

    5 streaks to 30 every week should get you a nice little supply of materials. Math is your friend here, and when its taking months and months to max something out, every little bit of extra efficiency saves days of time - by just blindly going for the simple solution of sailing for something for a drop, without thinking about whether that's really the best way to do it, you're spending a ton of extra unnecessary time, and that's a clear indication you're not using the right strategy.

    If you don't have the time or patience to send your ship out every 2-3 hours, 5+ times a day, to farm the gems, and then spend an hour or two straight streaking to 30, then skip the bar one night a week and $20 will get you a decent stack of merchant chests, which will probably get you a couple levels on every single LP. That $20 will go much further if you spend it streaking to 30 wins 80 times, but that's also going to take about 100 hours of playtime, and if you're doing it to avoid spending time farming, you probably don't have the time or patience for that.
  15. IAmJIve

    IAmJIve Powder Monkey

    So if my map is fully explored and I go sailing for the max range and not hit any monsters I will get gems?
  16. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Sail across as many shallow waters as you can without hitting monsters.
    Every time you cross a patch of water, it has a chance of giving a reward - either loot, ep, or gems.
    Since the really shallow waters take very little time to cross, you get many attempts very quickly. With the old ship, I'd get two tiles giving me gems on average, over the whole range, which took about 3 hours to sail. Doing this many times a day, you'd get a decent supply of free gems. Only a couple at a time, but a couple gems many times a day adds up fast.
    You don't have to use up the full range, in fact I'd advise against doing any of the deeper waters. I posted my best path at the time in that topic, you could squeeze a bit more shallow waters in with the new ships, but you certainly wouldn't use their full range. With the new observatory levels, you'd get another one or two journeys in a day as well, for a couple more gems!

    I'd advise you to finish exploring both maps and completing all of the quests first, as you get a ton of gems from doing those, but afterwards its a pretty reliable way to get a handful trickling in for free every day.
  17. Romeo is my first but a few others are close behind.
  18. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    #7 Next will be Tinto(LV 18) or Black Bart (LV 21)
  19. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    wow Quokka!
  20. Wow Quokka, nice going

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