What's your troops?

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Ultimate Sea Dog, May 18, 2015.

  1. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Personally I guess everyone's troops are different, so I set up this to ask who are the most commonly-used. Please state the Tavern slots and pirates you can recruit before stating them.

    Here's mine:

    Bucs, Gunners, Brute, Thief available.
    35 slot tavern.
    Bucs x 15
    Gunners x 15
    brutes x 1
    thieves x 1 (Sometimes substituted for a Buccaneer)
    Guild Ship: Gunners (That's the best, I presume)
  2. Becker Redbeard

    Becker Redbeard First Mate

    Good question. Not intending any offense, but if enough replied, this could balloon to a monster.
    E.g. I've used enough troop types that they scrolled across the bottom (something I'd suggest avoiding, tough to activate skills, just not precise).
    I'd suggest renaming thread to "PH4, Tavern 5: What's your troops"
    You'll get good advice from your active guild, but I'd suggest another brute, they really soak damage when all defenses are firing early.
    And welcome, only 8 billion more gold before you join vDragon and Codfather at the top of your guild :eek:
  3. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    It's not a great army, but here's what I use for loot gathering for walls. I like it because I can send a few gunners and a brute (or 8 raiders) on poorly-defended rich bases, and the entire army on rich PH8s.

    25 Gunners
    3 Brutes
    8 Raiders
    7 Bombers
    3 Juggs
    2 WDs

    A better army would probably be to swap a few bombers and a WD for another Jugg, or more gunners.

    Down where @Ultimate Sea Dog is, I recommend not using more than one brute, because they are too weak for their cost at that level, and low guys need to do lots of raids purely for loot. These are better done with as many troops swarming across the base as possible. I told a friend of mine to use

    16 Bucs
    15 Gunners
    1 Brute

    This Buc/Gunner mix isn't that important, and largely depends on which troop has the most upgrades. Obviously, send more of the stronger troop.
    TBird likes this.
  4. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    I LOVE Bucs. The Berseker is GREAT, and you get it first thing (even better). The "Stay on Target" is nice, but for the Brutes, well, maybe not that much. Thay are ULTRA-expensive to upgrade (I'm comparing it to the Bucs and Gunners) and they attack SOO slowly that it spoils the whole thing since most of the troops ignore him.
  5. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    That changes around PH5. You'll suddenly stop using or upgrading Bucs entirely, and switch to lots of gunners, and a few brutes and juggs, all of which you'll probably max out. Yes, they're expensive, but they're strong, and essential to any army.
    TBird likes this.

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