When in March do the "new" games begin?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Booty isle, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Booty isle

    Booty isle Captain

    in the release notes of the new update Chris said:

    "New event system:
    This will be a generic event system, where the player can earn event tokens for completing various actions. The first event type is based around exploration. The player will earn tokens for exploring and various exploration based actions.
    • New event button appears when event is active.
    • Main hub screen showing event progress.
    • Unique FAQ for the current event type.
    • Claim reward screen. (You can also claim rewards during the event for the hub screen)
    • Tutorials for events
    • First event planned to be starting in March"

    I was wondering when In March this will start... Wishful thinking on my behalf to think that it would start at the beginning of March...
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    Alnemer likes this.
  2. Alnemer

    Alnemer Crew

    They don't have enough resources or players :eek::oops:
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
  3. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    This event is not player dependent, if only 1 player participates it will still function. As for not having enough resources, not sure how that factors into an event already downloaded by us and waiting for the switch to be turned on. As with any event or the game as a whole, if you don't like it, don't play it. Apple has thousands of new games offered to people weekly. People are always free to play one of those that provide more resources and players.
  4. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    The plan is next week - we didn't switch it on immediately, as we a) wanted to give max level players the opportunity to get familiar with the new defence upgrades, and b) get the March Leaderboard up and running.
  5. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Makes totally sense, imo. Good call.
    Tessa Rose and Skye like this.
  6. Alnemer

    Alnemer Crew

    The real reason for the delay is just for :
    1.to make players spend mony in upgrade
    2.to make players spend mony leaderboard before they figure the can't complete in the Competition

    After that the will push the event .... Then we need to spend mony again :(
  7. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    1. Spending money to upgrade should not effect the results of the event, as the event is based around exploration. Sending your ship out doesn't involve upgrade progress at all, besides having it upgraded to its final level, which has been out for a considerable amount of time (there has been more than enough time to completely explore the map without using a single gem, as I have not gemmed the ship/lighthouse build times, nor any exploration journeys, and mine has been at 100% for several weeks).

    2. The seasonal leaderboard has nothing to do with the event either. At the rate of the last couple leaderboards, you could have placed in the top 100 without spending a gem if you play often enough and make all your attacks count.

    As far as I'm aware, you will not have to spend a single gem to participate in or complete the event. However, if you slacked on exploration and your map isn't complete, or you aren't able to log on regularly enough to keep your ship exploring constantly, you might have to gem a bit. But I expect any player that keeps their ship out 24/7 for the duration of the event, hitting optimal targets with a 100% complete map, will be able to complete it for free. We don't know the details of the event yet, but from the little bit that has been teased, I see no reason why gems would be a requirement.

    As Lynsey said, they wanted to delay the start of it so not everything happened at the same time. Not only would this be overwhelming for players to take in all at once, taking focus and appreciation off of the event since the new upgrades would be competing for attention, but if there were any issues with the new update, it would give them a bit of time to notice and hopefully fix them before starting it. Starting everything at the same time just compounds risks of something going wrong.
    Cocobean and HornyQuokka like this.
  8. Alnemer

    Alnemer Crew

    Thank u for ur post... I always respect ur post

    But U will see the event is another way to gem like rumble or tha amazing leaderboard gem racing
  9. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    This is not a competition, it is an event. Why are you stressing over an event that has not even been released yet? You are approaching this event from a negative mindset instead of an open mind welcoming the new challenge. Going into an event expecting the worst will insure you see only the worst of that event. As I have said many times, anyone who does not enjoy the game for the challenges it provides, should move on and find one that fits their playing style.
  10. Alnemer

    Alnemer Crew

    This is a personal opinion, if you do not like what you read. Go and look for anoter Subject
  11. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    Your opinion is pretty negative, and has no reasoning whatsoever to really support it. Instead of hating on something that hasn't even been introduced, you could take a more positive approach, and hope that it is something that you enjoy, and encourages you to play more. It is just a game, and is meant to be enjoyed. Don't deprive others of joy. As for spending money, I do fine without spending even a penny. Of course, to be at the top of anything in this game, you need some solid cash. That's where Midoki gets their income. If you expect to be at the top without spending some money, then this probably is not the game for you. And that would be my opinion on this.
  12. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    But I am having fun with this subject :p
    Fil and Alnemer like this.
  13. Darth Yoda

    Darth Yoda First Mate

    We haven't seen someone as manifestly negative as @Alnemer since the departure of @SaK. Maybe they are one and the same. Man, that guy would complain about snow at a ski resort.
    HornyQuokka and Alnemer like this.
  14. Alnemer

    Alnemer Crew

    Thank you for ur opinion ;)
  15. Jonesy

    Jonesy Crew

    I don't like your recurring negative opinions, therefore, ignored. How's that for "Go and look for anoter Subject"..... at least I won't see yours anymore.
    HornyQuokka and Alnemer like this.
  16. Alnemer

    Alnemer Crew

    I didn't want to be rude. But this just a responding for "if you don't like it, don't playit"
  17. Tottok

    Tottok Crew

    I understand your upset,, but being neative about anything on tbis thread isnt going to be good.
    Alnemer likes this.
  18. MMM

    MMM Powder Monkey

    Any news on this?
    Super-Nor and cmooneey like this.
  19. Hawkbeard

    Hawkbeard First Mate

    Hope it won't be based around gemming and more based on skill.
  20. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    I am not sure if it involves much of either. I am picturing it as another activity. One that does not require skill or gems, just an added feature for players that want something other than rumbles to occupy their time.

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