Which Cannon *Looks* Stronger?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by c00ni, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    I was in the process of upgrading my level 11 Cannons to level 12 when I noticed the level 11 ones *look* stronger. Is it just me?
    The stripes on the 12 look mean but it's got a much smaller calibre!

    And guys, let's keep this thread G rated. There are kids playing this game - think about the children!

    (Level 12 on the left, level 11 on the right)
  2. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    IMO, the level 11 looks stronger and it looks like it would fit a larger cannonball. The level 12 looks like a bee and the size of the cannonball would just sting.
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I think 12 looks stronger. Smaller ball maybe, but seems like it would have more force.
  4. Cap'n Creeperb

    Cap'n Creeperb First Mate

    The left one looks stronger, like it will fire a concentrated dose of awesomeness.
  5. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    The Level 13 ones kinda fix that. I think the caliber looks bigger, but even if it doesn't, those armored deflector plates just make it look ferocious.
  6. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Oh yeah. The shields make it look awesome. I just hope that the ground pounder upgrade matches it.
  7. Landon

    Landon First Mate

    lvl 12 one. Moar fancy shiney things = moar powah! :mad:
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
  8. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    What's this about ground pounder upgrade? I would like to know more and how soon I can get some!
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I'm just hoping and speculating.

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