Which LPs do you upgrade?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ultimate Sea Dog, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    just curious. I do the original 6 now (Mack to Ching)
  2. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    I've been focusing on the Western map materials and upgrading the LP's that use them. However, up until the last sailing event, most were pretty stagnated because of lack of materials and now I have 75% of my LP's doing jumping jacks :D
  3. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Since I'm done with Ching and Sadie, I've been doing Caesar and Tinto. Gunpowder is easy to farm. Voodoo masks suck, but might as well start sooner rather than later.
    Blackbeard and Black Bart get upgrades when I can as well, from the materials in battered chests, but I don't try and farm their stuff.

    I don't like Greenbeard, but when Caesar is done I will probably move on to him since ink is easy to farm.
  4. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    Soon after I mapped the requirement of all ledge de I started to go for "the big four". Those are the LP's requiring the most materials and (arguably) are the most powerful in the long run.

    So I have been doing: Ching, Sadie, Black beard and Black Bart. On the side I have been upgrading the LP's that do not use any of the materials used by them. Do these four have four "shadow LP's".
    Sadie - Green beard (ink)
    Ching - Cornelius (iron)
    B. Beard - Mac (copper)
    B. Bart - Jeanne. (Shark teeth)

    And then we have the last four other LP's that are also linked to each other. So these are the once I have been upgrading next to the four listed above. (I'm doing Tinto and Caecar)
    Annabelle - Tinto. (Voodoo)
    Romeo - Caecar. (Gun powder)

    Best way to manage so far was to "de-synchronise" the legends. That way, when on only them is ready for upgrading next level by materials others are only half way. So after starting upgrade you again have some space in silo free again making room for the other again.

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