Who Killed Chat

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Resarf, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. Resarf

    Resarf Captain

    So after 2 months out of the game, I returned for the update and while im not as active as before and im not gemming, one thing I have noticed is the huge decline in chat.

    Not sure if its just the guild im in, streaking or perhaps just many players arent as active as they used to be.

    I really wish PP didnt close the game after such a short period, the font was bigger, private messages and links were allowed, then perhaps we wouldn't need to use 3rd party chat apps and we could keep players in game.

    Are there still active chatting guilds around, or is this just the game as it is now?
  2. awbo

    awbo Captain

    We are a chatty guild but it has noticeably declined since streaking, that is the main culprit imo.
    Ian and Fil like this.
  3. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Well, my small guild is a bunch of great folks that love to chat, by using GroupMe. Real chatting by using the in game chat, is not much fun. So no issues here from my point of view.
  4. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    Streaking killed it. And I hate it, really do. I think also it may just be the guild, depending on your play style. We may be considered "unprofessional" and "unsynchronized" by some, just because we are in happy moods and love sharing what we know about the game, openly. Also because we consider our leaders and core normal people, and know that they aren't superhuman or out of the world either.
    We tend to only use third party apps to discuss Leaderahip issues. It's tough to get everyone on board sometimes.
    I am sure all guilds have bore times as well, when players only have time to quickly log on, attack, and then leave. Can't always stick around to chat. Some of us do have that time, as we sit to donate as soon as a request pops up. Stuff like that.
    There could be a variety of reasons to what you are noticing. I think Streaking is affecting all guilds, some more than others it seems. And it has nothing to do with if its a good guild or not, maybe just the chattiness of the players.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  5. Cap'nSmellyBeard

    Cap'nSmellyBeard First Mate

    We all know each other outside of PP in my guild so not much talking, usually just a 'ahoy!' Or to thank someone for troops.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  6. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Hey @Resarf glad to see you back.:) Yes there are chatty guilds around you may need to look around for them; and agree that things have changed over the last few months, but that's the game for you am sure it will swing back eventually.
    awbo and Skillzone10 like this.
  7. Resarf

    Resarf Captain

    Yeah streaking sounds like a big part of it, even if you use a 3rd party chat app you cant chat while streaking.
  8. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Seems streaking is inversely proportionate to chatting. Considering many members are not gemming their streaks, it means some members may be out of guild chat for days.
  9. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Not geming a streak would be like watching golf....Though I think my longest streak was like 6 I get distracted...whats that shiny thing over there???
  10. Resarf

    Resarf Captain

    Im streaking with no gems, its not that bad. Use 1 or 2 gunners on an exposed PH and wait 20 or 40 seconds, go again. Its not fast granted, and I'll use 1 gem and 9 guns if I win some gems in a rumble, but that doesnt last long.
  11. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    I like chat too much to do long streaks. I miss too much. I guess that is why I will probably never have a fully maxed LP :(
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  12. Fil

    Fil Captain

    I am able to use Slack in a side window with PP open in themain window on iOS9. Still have to be careful to not let the game time out tho. Really it's the only thing that has kept streaks bearable for me, and i still dont like it even a lil bit
  13. Resarf

    Resarf Captain

    @Fil good tip, sadly that split screen mode is only on iPad for some reason and I play on iPhone
  14. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Or just use multiple devices. GroupMe for example you can have running/logged in on as much devices as you like at the same time. So i am logged into GroupMe on all of my devices and if needed able to chat, while i am streaking.
    Christy likes this.
  15. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    We use groupme as well :) I am just bad at multitasking :oops:
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  16. LYM

    LYM Captain

    ive uses most types of chat apps and must say the slack is pretty good, love the rss feeds direct from this forum
  17. LYM

    LYM Captain

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