Why can't I see people's banners anymore?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Madhouse, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Madhouse

    Madhouse Crew

    I can still see a few people's banners but not the majority. Majority now showing an 'img' placeholder :(:confused:
  2. Liquidjade

    Liquidjade Crew

    How about now? Can you see mine?
  3. Madhouse

    Madhouse Crew

    No :confused: just the words and an img placeholder
  4. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    Maybe it depends on the hosting site for the image. Mine is on TinyPic.com, and LiquidJade is on ImageShack.com

    The forums software just provides the image link and does not host any images.
  5. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Mine is hosted from Photobucket. have you tried closing and reopening your browser? I am able to see all the various banners, so suspect it might be a local issue
  6. flyingdoucheman

    flyingdoucheman Magical Banner Wizard

    Sounds horrible :eek:
  7. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    I use photobucket as well. Is mine visible?
  8. Ian

    Ian Commodore

  9. flyingdoucheman

    flyingdoucheman Magical Banner Wizard

    @Madhouse , try adjusting your preferences on here. :confused: Also, if you are trying to paste image in box next for image URL , You have to use a link. Go to tinypic.com upload image , it's free. Use last choice for links , select all , then copy , come back here and drop it in, then save , good luck.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
  10. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    @Ian and @Madhouse...sorry I can't offer any advice, I'm a bit challenged when it comes to this type of stuff. I figure this kind of stuff mostly by trial and error and with lots of help from my husband:)
  11. Madhouse

    Madhouse Crew

    Thanks everyone for your replies .. all seems to be fine again today. Had to have a good old clear out of junk on my phone to be able to update pp and now seems ok....maybe it was those cobwebs ;)
  12. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Glad to hear all is good now @Madhouse , would hate to think anyone is missing out on seeing these great banners.
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  13. Tiger Lilly

    Tiger Lilly Captain

    @Madhouse...it's good to clean those cobwebs out every once in awhile.:p Glad you can see the awesome banner artwork again!:D It would be a shame to miss out on such great artwork.:(
    peg-brain bob and Ian like this.

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