Why is Caesar so USELESS!?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bl00dBaTh, May 3, 2016.

  1. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Caesar is my lowest LP at lvl 10, current damage is 350, & there is no way he is doing 350 damage. He's next to useless in battle, by far the worst LP in attack. How is his damage calculated? Because every time I use him he seems to do next to noting.

    Am I missing something with this LP? At the moment I use him for defence when Ching is resting, but other than that I can't stand him, in battle he seems to be by far the worst crew member to land on the island.
  2. cmooneey

    cmooneey First Mate

    I couldn't agree with you more... I have him maxed and hadn't used him pretty much the entire time until then.... the flames that he shoots are basically no damage and might be the slowest moving player in the entire game. The only useful thing I can see is using "ring of fire" in the middle of a cluster of defenses... but by the time he has waddled over to that area I would hopefully have already cleared it out.

    A couple of my guild mates have pointed out that he is good for "softening" bases up for the rest of the troops but still, at max those flames should be doing some seeable damage. So he can live his life in the jail cell he calls home until a time he can be deemed useful.
    Bl00dBaTh likes this.
  3. Fil

    Fil Captain

    I think thats 350 damage total for an entire 3 minute attack.

    If you are usung him on attacks think meat shield
    Bl00dBaTh likes this.
  4. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    The damage is the total damage the flame sprite does before burning out I believe. I don't use him for anything other than tanking if I happen to be attacking and forget to switch to an offensive LP. The difference between him and normal LP is he will walk past buildings once he catches them on fire, so he will be doing 350 damage to a large number of buildings, whereas normal LP do a lot of damage, but have to stop on one building, then move to the next - all while he could be burning half the base for 350 each. He isn't extremely useful as an attacker, but since he won't stop at a building for long, you can have him walk into the base and draw mortar fire away when juggs would be standing closer to the dps troops while hitting a building, putting them in less danger than with the juggs. I don't use him on attacks much, since its rare there's a situation he'd be more useful than a different LP.

    Caesar is easily one of the best defensive pirates though, giving a boost to the hp of every defense on the island. An HP boost to the ship is a HUGE deal given how much HP it has, and at max level, he adds so much extra HP to the island its like destroying an entire extra PH10. While defenses are shooting at you. And he boosts the damage of nearby ones as well, kind of like an inverse of Ching Shih (who boosts damage to all defenses and HP to nearby defenses). This is where he shines - I avoid any base with Caesar on defense, even a lv 1 Caesar, if I can't get the fort destroyed fairly quickly. The extra HP takes way too much time to destroy, and frequently leads to me timing out my attacks at only 2* when I'd normally 3* them with plenty of time to spare.
    Bl00dBaTh and McQ like this.
  5. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yes I do the exact same thing, I really like him for defence, the extra HP makes a huge difference. I had neglected upgrading him because he was so useless on attack but since I've started using him on defence I'm going to prioritise him on upgrades. I'm using him all the time now as I want to keep Ching for attacks, at the moment I'm only using Ching, Jeanne & Tinto for attacks.

    But just because Caesar is useful on defence doesn't mean he should be pointless when attacking, Ching is great on both. His damage is laughable, he's probably only doing around 30 per second, by far the worst LP. How many sprites is on the island at once? You can see 1 does pitiful damage per second to whatever it attacks.

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