Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Captain Catbeard, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. Hey guys, cap'n Pinkbeard here...:)

    So, the thing is I recently started a streak. Whereas my best streak lasted 3 days and about 30 victories, giving me a fair enough amount of chests, this attempt ended up in a total waste of time, due to the geniusly developed "streaking improvement". Further detailed, it allowed me to win only when I hadn't disconnected from the game (see patch notes). I would be more tolerant of this nonsense, in case my crew didn't take 40 minutes with a pirate catcher level 2 to be trained. Please restore peace to the plundering world by bringing back that streak system which made so many dark-hearted pirates smile in satisfaction.

    Thanks a lot for your continued support,
    Captain Pinkbeard
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    @Captain Catbeard whilst I feel your pain about wasting 3 days work for 30 wins. Your strategy in relation to streaking appears that it could be improved; can I suggest that with regard to streaking you try dropping to PR1; only recruit a cheap crew mix eg: gunners; then attack only those bases with exposed PH's using only 1 or 2 gunners, taking an exposed store is a bonus; then surrender, recruit your 1 or 2 gunners (<1 min) go again; you should be able to hit 30 wins in one sitting (less than 3hrs).
    Darth Yoda likes this.
  3. I did drop rank, but with the new tweak, I have to keep my iPad open in and do nothing or my next win won't count:(
  4. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    That's why your 40min recruit time is too long.. Don't go for 3 star wins, surrender once you achieve 1 star and save your troops
  5. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    Yes, when streaking, choose bases wisely, and don't use all your troops on one base. Get the one star, for example the open PH, and end the battle. Counts as a win, and just move on to the next battle. The troop cost and wait time is lowered quite a but if you don't use the troops you typically would in a 3 star. Also, try hunting for bases with their Ph out in the open. That is a really easy win.
  6. awbo

    awbo Captain

    That's not true, just exit after a chest reward or a defeat/surrender and your streak will continue.
    Captain Catbeard likes this.
  7. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    Last night I put together a string of 50 wins in about 3.5 hrs and spent around 50 gems doing it. Came away with 4 or 5 davy jones chest, 4 merchant chests, 2 quartermasters chest, and one admirals chest. A pretty good haul for considerably less gems. Just attack exposed phs with lps so you won't have to use gems to recruit units. Most importantly remember that you only need to one star a base to count as a win in a streak. No need to be doing all of these 3 star wins which will cost a lot of time or gems. Dropping rank to pr1 also helps out greatly. You usually have to surrender as much as you win to keep your rank low, but it really pays off with all of the easy bases. Hope this helps in your further endeavours. :)
  8. ADNS

    ADNS Powder Monkey

  9. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    The entire point of making you not disconnect is to HEAVILY DISCOURAGE people from going into multi-day streaks. Guild chats were dead, perks were going unfunded, guild ships were unfilled. Streaks were intended to be done in a single session and designed around that.

    Getting a streak for doing exactly what you'd normally do doesn't make sense. You already fight a battle, rehire, log out, log back in, fight, repeat - why would you get extra rewards for doing the exact same thing you'd already be doing? It was intended to reward people that were already playing extended playsessions (gemming many battles in a row to farm walls for example, or during rumbles), and it doesn't make sense to give those rewards to players who are just doing what they normally do. When you could log out between battles with no repercussion, there was zero incentive to ever leave a streak before it reached a large number, and if you aren't gemming your way there, that means free players would be removed from the social aspects of the game for days straight, which also punished nonfree players or players not streaking because now no one was there to fund things!

    Yeah you can still work around it, but it made it not worth the effort to streak as high for many players, and helped drastically fix the problems being caused by it.

    Plus, beforehand, I could get a 100 streak without any effort or a single gem twice a day, for $20 in premium chests. I still can, but I'm much less likely to do it given the restriction. I don't think Midoki wanted anyone getting $40+ in free chests every single day for doing absolutely nothing different than they already would.
    HornyQuokka, Ian and Captain Catbeard like this.
  10. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    I don't have an issue either. When i want to give it a rest I can close the game and return to the streak later. I have noticed however that sometimes it doesn't count your last victory so to avoid this I start a new fight and surrender right away then close the app.
    Smelly_Vile likes this.

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