Witch Doctor Fix

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by WinstonCOV, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    The witch doctor should resurrect every pile of bones within the radius of effect. For some reason it only resurrects the piles that bounce. This shouldn't be such a dodgy effect. If there is some reason for bouncing piles vs non-bouncing, then please explain and adjust the skill description accordingly (i.e. "Ressurect SOME of your fallen comrades.... maybe").
    Tex likes this.
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    There are two bubbles. One bubble is bigger and protects troops the inner bubble is smaller and resurrects troops
  3. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    That inner bubble is invisible, though. At least I've never seen it
    Rachael likes this.
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I'll have to look. I feel like I used to see it
  5. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I've always been curious about that question too. I've never seen this 2nd bubble.
    Are you sure that's correct?
  6. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I'm positive it's correct. @Chris [Midoki] confirmed it on an old bug thread for the WD
    Tex likes this.
  7. captaintau

    captaintau Crew

    Are the ones not bouncing from already-resurrected crew who have been re-killed?
  8. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I think the problem in seeing the inner circle comes at higher levels when the radius is widened die to upgrading the WD
  9. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Already aware of those. This occurs even during 1st resurrection.
    It would be nice if that second bubble was visible so we could be more precise with the skill.
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

  11. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    When there is a large piles of skeletons spread out, you can gauge the size of it from who's bouncing and who's not, but yeah, it's definitely a small range. The WD basically has to be standing right on top of them, which is funny, since standing there was apparently a Bad Idea for those skeletons.

    That's the last place he should be :)
    awbo likes this.

    MMONSTER Powder Monkey

    I am also curious on the "attack range" of WD from the voodoo training.
    I never seen a WD attack. Is the range = range of resurrect ?
  13. Range = the size of the bubble in which he protects fellow pirates, the resurrect bubble is a bit smaller.
    And the attack stat means nothing on the WD. He doesn't attack.
  14. fricc2174

    fricc2174 First Mate

    I don't know about ever seeing a visual 2nd bubble, but there is definitely a limited range. I have gotten use to it; however, it would be nice to see your most expensive grog troop play at a higher level. 100k grog is a lot.
  15. alebvk

    alebvk Powder Monkey

    I know what you mean.
    Although I haven't seen a 2nd bubble, I know that it has a shorter range and I've instinctively asumed that range and played according to that.

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