Witch Doctor invincibility BUG

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yooda, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Yooda

    Yooda Powder Monkey

    The witch doctor' invincibility spoil all the fun of playing. The defenses no longer useless ... I do not recharge them ... When that bug you it will be resolved?
    Cap'n Greenbeard likes this.
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    They are talking soon.... (This week, maybe next). Nothing definate
  3. C.Calamity

    C.Calamity Crew

    Update out just now. Could be fixed?
  4. Travis

    Travis Powder Monkey

    My Witch Doctor just bit the dust. As long as that's how everyone else's works, I'm super happy :)
    Cap'n Greenbeard likes this.
  5. BlueDaisy

    BlueDaisy Powder Monkey

    That's sad that the witch doctor is no longer invincible. I loved him being invincible! We were finally getting our money's worth out of him. My witch doctor if fully upgraded and cost 100k to recruit him to my crew. But now what's the sense of recruiting him anymore he's back to being stupid. He runs around everywhere except where you need him. Total waste of the cost to recruit him. I have a feeling maybe too many complaints by players up in the 8-900's have resulted in this outcome because for once they were actually being beaten by those who are not that high in rank. I usually am in the 7-800's myself ( except that I'm pretty low right now doing upgrades)and didn't mind at all being attacked by the invincible witch doctor as long as I could attack with him also. But ok, take away the invincibility from him, but at least fix the fact that we're right back where we started with him being mindless and wandering around everywhere except where he's needed. Could you at least make him so that he doesn't die 5 seconds after hitting the ground.
  6. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    His AI hasn't changed, only his immortality.
  7. Mickster

    Mickster Crew

    His immortality has most certainly changed. If your lucky, he'll wander around like a drunken fool and you'll at least get something out of the cost of hiring him. Most of the time though, he'll die within the first few seconds of being deployed (even with a line of jugs in front of him to take the incoming fire).

    Just my observation post update.
    awbo likes this.
  8. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I've had no issues using my WD post update. I've only had one die, and it was considerably far into destroying a base. Maybe you shouldn't release your WD as early if you keep finding it dying. Give your other troops a chance to start walking so he's not really closely bunched with them. As long as you have some semblance of strategy to your attack, and manage to keep the mortar fire away from your main squad (which is not difficult at all to do), your WD should be fine.

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