Wrong damage calculation?

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by fabrigatti, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. fabrigatti

    fabrigatti Powder Monkey


    I am getting a bit fed up about some differences between the damage shown in the logs and what is shown in the replays (last second). Please take a look at these 3 groups of screenshots and tell me your opinion.

    First case:
    66% damage in the summary, 56% in the last second's screenshot.

    Second case:
    Very very different damage percentages (100% and 3 stars against 52% and 1 star).
    Actually 100% is not correct because the ship, the town hall, the guild tower are still up..

    Third case:
    Extremely different damage percentages (94% and 2 stars against 27% and 0 stars).

    What are these differences due to? I read we should consider the summary view, but it does not convince me too much either (ref. the second attached case).

  2. edhuardo carvalho

    edhuardo carvalho Powder Monkey

    I'm having the same problem, how can I denounce Hacking? For exemple china's guys for TheDBGang.
  3. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    @fabrigatti Replays are generated after the battle and are not accurate. Do not pay any attention to the numbers they show. If the replay matches how your battle actually occurred, consider yourself lucky. Most times, it will not match. :) It's annoying, I know. There have been more complaints about this than I can count.

    Rule of thumb: Ignore the Replays. Trust the Battle Log.

    Just so you know, replays are generated from the following info:
    1. What/Where/When troops were deployed
    2. When each of their skills are used.

    That's it. Everything else is left to chance.

    In the second example, you said the PH and other buildings were still standing when the battle ended. Was that what occurred in the battle itself, or in the replay? If it was the actual battle, then you may have experienced a bug in the battle log. :)
  4. fabrigatti

    fabrigatti Powder Monkey

    It occurred in the replay. However, even though the replays are just a kind of "simulation" of what happened during the real battle, I feel that different is too big (100% vs 52%).
  5. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Some of the replays are quite close, others are complete falsehoods. The only info you can really take from them is where and how you were attacked, and what one possible outcome could have been.
  6. fabrigatti

    fabrigatti Powder Monkey

    I understand. Then they are good to check where the attackers see the weaknesses of my island, more than viewing how the battle was played.
    Kelani and The Fish Eyed Pirate like this.
  7. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Exactly. That's a perfect description of what they're good for. And on the rare occasion when they're both correct AND funny, they're great to amuse your guild with.

    THE STONE WALL Powder Monkey

    The same happened to me and I lost 683k of grog when the replay showed they barely touched my storages! Very annoying!!

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