Zer0 Wing ☠ Social Farming Guild ☠ Any Pirate Rank Accepted ☠ 34/50

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by ll DarkZero ll, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. ll DarkZero ll

    ll DarkZero ll Captain

    Zer0 Wing
    Zer0 Wing is an easy going social farming Guild for players new to the game, seasoned players who want to take a break from rank pushing or anyone that just likes to farm in a low stress environment.

    Any Pirate Hall level is accepted
    Any Pirate Rank is accepted
    Perks are always funded
    Donations are quickly filled
    Daily Rumbles
    New players welcomed

    Rumbles are a casual affair, we don't expect everyone to have 50+ attacks and over 500 points, we just ask that you at least attack a couple times and help contribute. Also, sometimes we take a break from Rumbles so people can save up for expensive upgrades and after that we go back to daily.

    New players to the game are welcomed to join and ask any questions they may have about Plunder Pirates. We encourage people to take their time and enjoy leveling up and socializing with other members, all we ask is that you help fund perks when you can, attack at least a few times during a Rumble and donate on an even keel.

    If you're still undecided about joining, we also have cookies.


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