The number one thing this game needs

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by WhiteHotBeard, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Yes, this is THE number one thing:
    A way to spend gems to speed up recruitment times.

    Look at Clash of Clans. They have the option to do instant build (as this game does) OR faster troop building.

    It is never time/cost effective to instant recruit (this based on the average, non-whale, customer)*. However, it can be really fun to increase playing/raiding sessions with faster recruiting. I remember spending quite awhile in Clash when I had blocks of time to do raids. Whereas with this game it's a 30 min wait between fights.

    Although there are several other areas that could be tweaked or changed (Observatories requiring BP to fund, the gold/grog imbalance, guilds seem to only function as a funding source, etc.) this is a great game and I find myself wishing I could play it more.

    *In Clash I think it was 10 gems for an hour boost. For 40 gems you could have (4) barracks going and raid BARCH a bunch of times in that hour and have a lot of fun.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
    CerealKillerBowl likes this.
  2. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    You can already. Did you not see? You recruit, click on the gem and done.
  3. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Ah... I see what you mean... been asking for this. Average troop time gets really really bad, and expensive as you go up in skills. Would LOVE to see a way to shorten recruitment times of certain troops.
  4. I tweaked the post for clarity.
  5. Rockford

    Rockford Powder Monkey

    Yeah, I'm only up to 35 crew; with a handful of Brutes and the rest gunners it takes over 20 minutes 3 goes in a hour!!! :(
  6. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    I agree ( sort of). A permanent recruitment speed up is the number 1 thing this game needs by far. It's been a glaring issue since the first day I started playing. Just think about what ph9 with Acd 8 will be. 2 hour recruit time anyone? Needs to change soon.
  7. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Not so much this, but individual recruitment times of fully leveled up pirates is a bit excessive
  8. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Watch this, I made this a while ago.
  9. From the dev perspective (keeping the lights on in the building, etc.) they would potentially make more money keeping recruitment fairly long with the OPTION of paying to speed up.

    Now, something I didn't point out (it's probably obvious and I'm not trying to bag on the devs for making money) is that they may have crunched the numbers and decided it's more lucrative to have the "pay X gems to immediately build army" option.

    Again, not trying to be cynical here but I can only assume that the current recruiting system is based on money rather than game play experience.

    This is not a shot at Midoki.
  10. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    It does take forever to build troops the more advanced along you get. It's pretty bad, my standard army is 30 minutes now. I would be all for a gem boost.
  11. John

    John Powder Monkey

    Yes, I crossed the one hour line for crew training and I don't even use witch doctors, or it would hit almost two. Seriously ridiculous training time, 10% reduction will not cut it. I at least hope train the time reduction building will get funded by EP since there is nothing else it is good for once you have the final ship.
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    This army training time is pretty standard for me. I'm at 30-40 minutes for training. But in CoC, for me to raid successfully or for a war army. it takes close to 2 hours to train an army. So even if this game gets to 2 hour training times its not out of the ordinary. Would I like them shorter? Most certainly YES! But if it doesn't change it won't affect me.
  13. Maybe we need to get some movers and shakers at Midoki to work on this--like Jonathan Webb or Daniel Martinez-Normand. Those guys know how to get things done.
  14. lokim

    lokim Powder Monkey

    It should definetly be added... The game needs more activity in clans, boosting means you will more likely spend gems as its a better return for your money, you will also be online more, chatting in clan etc... Finding a good clan is terribly hard as no useful way exists outside of the top 100... Increase clan activity, increase the fun, increase the gem buying... Boosts do all of this...
  15. I APPY I

    I APPY I Crew

    This game needs an island edit mode worse then bad sorry but definatly the #1 need for PP unbelievably painful redesigning your island currently......
    Bl00dBaTh likes this.
  16. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Really? How often do you change? I think gameplay is a little more important.
  17. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Of course this goes without saying but I'll mention it anyway. The #1 thing we need is the bug's fixed before any new content.
  18. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    While, this is important, its not really all that hard or gamebreakinig. I would still like an edit mode, but would rather have a boost for playing instead of just gemming troops.

    I agree, but if they do add in the gameplay improvement, they will need to add a queue as well.
  19. I APPY I

    I APPY I Crew

    REALLY?? Just take a break from the game there's no reason why u need to attack more then every 30-40 mins if u feel u do you should have to pays the loot - build time is so easy to keep up on never in my time playing PP have I ever been short on loot so if there's a another reason let me know...

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