A bug in this forum

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by ThunderStorm, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. This forum is a great place to communicate with fellow plunderers. But there is an issue I am facing. It logs out after a few minutes and I have to keep on logging in every few minutes. Also, if I press 'Back' on browser, it logs out.

    Can someone help me with it?
  2. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    Does the same thing to me, especially on my iPad. Even if I tell it to stay logged in and have cookies on. Small issue, but it gets a bit annoying.
  3. Kit

    Kit First Mate

    Really? I haven't been logged out since the day I created the account. Not once.
  4. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Which browser are you using?
  5. Im on Chrome on my MB Pro, never got logged out once since my registration
  6. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    On ipad I only get logged off if in private mode. Make sure cookies are enabled if on a computer
  7. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Whatcha doing in private mode? ;)

    And I am fine...used to be booted off, but the problem seems to have fixed itself.
  8. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

  9. Using chrome on ipad. And logged in using facebook. But it logs out after a few minutes.
  10. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I'm on safari on iPad and as long as cookies are enabled I have no problems.
  11. Did you use FB to register?
  12. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Nope. Not a fan of that practice
  13. Tumba

    Tumba Crew

    I had this EXACT problem also, turned out I was in private mode and didn't even know it. Once out of private it stayed logged in.
  14. Tumba

    Tumba Crew

    I did, again in Private and didn't know it. Once out of Private safari had 0 issue.
  15. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Yeah, even out of private you can screw yourself over by disabling cookies
  16. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    I use Chrome, would never use FB, but I have a done of security add-ons. I just live with it...On my MB Air...The iPad thing just happens too.
  17. Tumba

    Tumba Crew

    lmao 99% of the time I never do either. Just curious why not? Hell I never even use Facebook anymore really. But as a log in I'm starting to think it's just easier than the validate email etc. etc.
  18. Gristle

    Gristle First Mate

    If I wanted COKE or Pepsi tattooed on my arse I would sell it. FB profits off everything you do. Call me old fashioned, but for the most part I am just not into it.
  19. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Unfortunately for me it's the best way for me to keep in contact with certain members of my family. If I didn't have Facebook I wouldn't be kept in the loop of what went on. I hate it, but then I hate the freeway too. I even tried converting my friends and family to e-mail blasts to less than stellar results.
    Gristle likes this.
  20. Tumba

    Tumba Crew

    So you're telling me I could have SOLD this arse cheek instead of tattooing coke on here for free!!!!

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