Anyone else noticed a massive performance hit on iOS 9?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by c00ni, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. Rachael

    Rachael Crew

    The update has been beta tested for the last 3 months, they are now beta testing iOS9.1.

    I haven't noticed a huge difference in anything other than animation from chests and monster loot opening a little slower. Everything else seems to be working like normal.
    Kelani likes this.
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Yes, everything is working fine.. It's only a slight visual thing and not worth putting off upgrading your device over.
  3. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Considering a 6 went from almost constant 60fps to what it is now, I doubt the extra speed will make a difference.

    People have different expectations of gfx performance, but you are correct - the game continues to function and not crash. One of the main reasons I committed to PP and not the other similar games was the graphics.
    The rest of iOS 9 is actually pretty amazing.
    Ian likes this.
  4. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Updated on my ipad3(just to test it out) but havn t done it on my main device(iPad Air).

    Havn t noticed any performance issues on my ipad3 but since its just another spare device of mine, Plunder Pirates is the only app installed and running, so maybe thats why.

    In the past i always waited at least 2 weeks and sometimes even till the X.1 uograde went out, before i upgraded my main devices. Always worked out best for me.
  5. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    After a clean boot and not running anything else, everything is fine.
    It's only after other apps have been loaded (and unloaded) that it slows down.
  6. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Tried a clean restore *without* putting my backup back on it.
    Downloaded Plunder Pirates, that's all.

    Exactly same symptoms. Runs smooth after a reboot, dramatically slows down after launching then terminating other apps.
    Maybe I'll try make a side by side video.
  7. grahvity

    grahvity Crew

    Against my instincts, I upgraded my iPad Air 2 to iOS 9. I've been playing for a while now and I have not noticed anything besides the very subtle judder when panning quickly back-and-forth.
  8. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Have you tried launching a bunch of other apps then coming back to PP?
    After a reboot I can play for hours just fine, it's after I've been doing other stuff that the problem occurs
    Tiger Claw likes this.
  9. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    Dropped server, slow play, text entering glitch. Bad. Only PP app giving trouble. Midoki, upgrade the app.
    Tiger Claw likes this.
  10. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    THANK GOD i read this thread! I'm sticking with IOS 8
  11. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Updated original post with a few more details and videos of the kind of lag I'm talking about.
    The problem continues to exist on the new iPhone 6S with all it's processing might and extra ram.
  12. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Upgraded on 6+, not having any issues whatsoever... Scrolling is smooth and quick for me all the time, even with apps running in background...
  13. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    I'm on iPad Air & just upgraded to ios9.1 & the game is really laggy, especially on the map, opening chests is really slow, like in slow motion. Opening any menu (Tavern, Voodoo Hut etc.)in-game is laggy as hell, like Launching the app is much slower to start up too. I'm really unhappy with its performance.
  14. grahvity

    grahvity Crew

    Try this:

    Go into settings > General > accessibility > increase contrast > and set reduce transparency = on

    Then navigate backwards one step to where it says increase contrast and right below that you'll see where it says reduce motion... turn that on also.

    See if your troubles go away and report the results here. :D Hope that helps :)
  15. RafaelCrossover

    RafaelCrossover Powder Monkey

    Just do a downgrade to your iphone, this can resolve
  16. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    the problem isn't iOS 9. its that Modiki hasn't updated the app to support it, once they do it will be fine. but its been in beta for months so there really isn't any excuse for them not to have the update out by now. another Modiki fail.
  17. Jeff C

    Jeff C Powder Monkey

    I play on an iPad Air 2. I notice a significant slowdown often, but not always, in the end of battle sequence where your new PR and battle stats are reported. When it's running slower, the music stops before the Grog Plundered value is displayed. Opening chests is another area where I've seen slowdowns.
  18. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    They started accepting iOS 9 app updates weeks ago, get on your game Modiki!!

    I do notice a slow down on my iPad Air 2 and iPhone 6S Plus; its really not that bad but it is annoying. These issues shouldn't occur on the latest iOS devices, comon....
  19. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Here's a video, again captured off an iPhone 6S, clearly showing how the lag isn't constant and sometimes exiting a window and reopening it "fixes" the lag.

    Watch the jerky scrolling and chest opening at a snail's pace first, then an identical interaction immediately after re-opening the Silo working perfectly. This laggy Silo doesn't always happen, and I haven't figured out exactly how to reproduce it but it happens reasonably frequently.
    (Watch in 720p60 to see exactly what I mean but the lag here is so bad 60fps isn't even necessary)

    I keep posting UI videos because I feel it's much easier to notice the lag with UI elements. The lag also occurs in battle and in replays.
  20. John56

    John56 First Mate

    Thanks for being the Guinea Pig, c00ni, I am holding off on the update until the issue is resolved.

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