Attacks - overpowered

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by One-Eyed Willy, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    so I have been noticing that it is has become very easy for me to three star even the most upgraded bases and without a witch doctor. Resources are no longer safe no matter what the design. I feel as though attacks have become a bit overpowered. Even when attacking bases with max mortars and cannons and gun towers
  2. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Yes offense was way op before the wd became immortal. Now you might as well just put your resources out to grab. No point protecting.
    Alphafox likes this.
  3. Attacks hav not became a bit overpowered... They hav became WAY MORE overpowered...
    Barbed likes this.
  4. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Yes I'm not surprised to hear you guys agree. My guild mates have all been 3starring well developed bases without the need for witch doctor. If someone has a unique base design where the storages survive attacks I'd love you to share it
  5. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    When using an actual attacking army, I effortlessly 3* almost any base unless I screw up horrifically, in which case I get a 2* and only because I ran out of time. And I never use guild ship troops or a legendary to do it. I do like that my guild ship donation stats show 0 received though :)

    To fairly balance defense and offense, assuming a max level well designed base and a max level attacker of decent skill, I believe about 10-25% of your defenses should be victories, 25-50% should be 1*, 10-25% should be 2*, and about 10% should be 3*. This way you still win some battles defensively, and its balanced so that most attacks aren't a complete destruction, unless you're attacked by an exceptionally talented player, but an average player can still win a decent portion of the time, and even take the ph some of the time.

    The way things are currently balanced, it seems that to a skilled attacker with an attacking (not farming) army, 75+% of the time it will be 3*, 10-25% of the time it will be 2*, <10% of the time its only 1*, and unless something is really really screwed up, the attack never ever fails.

    I've still kept a decent number of my defences to victories or 1*, but these are almost always to people just trying to use a cheap army to steal a million grog off me without any care if they win or not. Any serious army I've seen gets 1-2* without much effort, although I've luckily not experienced anyone talented enough to 3*. At higher ranks I'm certain I would just have a constant string of 3* losses though.

    I don't believe that even with max level legendaries defending it will be enough to swing the results far enough towards a more balanced outcome, even without a legendary in the attacking army.

    I have a feeling analytics aren't showing midoki the full picture, because a lot of players have dropped their rank and are sniping collectors and forfeiting, or taking stores with cheap armies and forfeiting at 1*, which makes things look a lot more balanced in a breakdown of actual battle outcomes. Hopefully by filtering their results to only show the top 100 or so players they can get a more accurate picture of how a somewhat skilled attacker does in a real battle against a fairly maxed out and well designed base, although I suspect that isn't entirely true either.
    Floki likes this.
  6. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Currently I would have to agree that the favour is currently with the attacking side. But a review of past posts showed similar arguments against the weighting of walls and the GP's when the first came out. But as everyone upgrades we all worked around it and the attack/defence balanced out.

    I think the same now, although attacking may appear easy, once the majority have upgraded their walls, GP's, Stonemason and Legendary defense. Things 'may' balance out..
    Tiger Claw likes this.
  7. Yeah, it is impossible to save up for anything without either gemming or never logging out. You take 2 steps forward with a big haul attack, and then 3 back when you get attacked and lose more than you started with. I don't think that is balanced at all
    850arrr likes this.
  8. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    Just spend it all. And you're Captain Emeritus....:)
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  9. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    If anyone's interested, the battle stats for Pirate Hall 8 versus Pirate Hall 8 and Pirate Hall 9 versus Pirate Hall 9 show a roughly that roughly 54% of battles are victories, 46% are losses. Obviously it's a very rough stat (it doesn't take into account people dropping rank/farming, or people getting easy battles with their fully upgraded Academy Pirates versus someone who's just upgraded their Pirate Hall, or people who have had an easy victory because somebody deliberately left their Pirate Hall to drop rank/protect their resources), but we do also get told by players on a regular basis that attacking is too hard, as well others saying it's too easy. ;)
  10. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Las time Midoki nerfed defense and made them stronger, now they nerfed offense and u can break almost any island.
    Last time people said defense is way too strong so now they nerfed offense.

    Now people will say wd is powerful, offense is op...don't worry Midoki will fix defense next time.

    Actually they need to spend some money on good statistician and fix it for good.

    Anyway...I'm enjoying looting though.
    850arrr likes this.
  11. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Even if on an occasion that an attacker does not succeed against your base. They still set off and extinguish your traps which, with the new upgrades cost over 600k to replenish. Saving gold has become a daunting task. I managed to save for one ground pounder but the second one is proving to be extremely difficult to save 5.2 million gold. I use to pride myself on designing strategic defense layouts that would protect gold and grog. Now it seems as though I am at a loss because no design will protect against the overpowered attacks.
    Alphafox and 850arrr like this.
  12. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    There is no good base design now, they all get overrun. if you stack 45 skellies and a WD which is immortal and just keep rezzing the skellies it overwhelms the defense with lots of targets which have a ton of armor and they just run over everything.
  13. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    This thread is more about when the WD was normal or attacks that don't use the WD, because the WD will be fixed and is a complete unfair advantage at the moment.
  14. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    If its too defense heavy (like Clash of Clans) people get edgy and bored. That game just sux in my opinion once in the higher levels. So having offense with the stronger hand is not a bad thing--this is an offensive game after all. But what I am seeing is that maxed base after maxed base falls with relative ease. For example, 10 juggs, 10 bombers, 1 brute, 1 WD and rest gunners will level any base (including those wedge bases many dread). And any time i rank up over 500, seems like i get leveled every time I log off, and I've had tons of base designs, both original and copies of upper level player bases. Doesn't seem to matter what the layout is, you are going to get leveled. To me that is out of balance. I think a max base should win at least 50% of the time. As it is now, the only way to win defenses is to rank 400 and below where you start picking up inexperienced attacks. I think the introduction of a couple new defenses and possibly defending troops (other than LP) is badly needed.

    EDIT: And I'm talking about pre-WD immortal glitch. With WD immortal, its just a free for all.
  15. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    At first my concern was merely being able to save resource. There is no way to protect it right now. So, I itially I felt as though coming up with a new mechanic to save resource should be implemented. But that would just be a bandaid to the real problem: an unbalanced attacking platform. I foresee trying to up in rank being a one sided battle where gaining rank will be from offenses alone. For the record my gunners have not finished their training to level 33 yet, I can't imagine how even more easily I will be able to destroy a max base when that training is complete.
    850arrr likes this.
  16. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Spending 600k on top of the lost resource in order to rearm traps is just even a bigger slap on the face
    850arrr likes this.
  17. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Thats right, win is a win, but loss may be farming and it is farming in most cases. Taking outta stats these pseudolosses will dramatically change balance to wins. Lets see what will change with WD back to mortals and fully maxed base.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  18. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    I have to agree with @Daddy P an Offensive bias in this game is much more palatable to players and fixable I the end than a Defensive bias.. If players feel they can't win or at least make headway they will walk away and find a new interest. As for getting levelled all the time.. That was a daily event over 800PR, use it to your advantage and plan for it. Those who want to improve their personal 'high score' now is the time to try. For the rest of us, spend what you don't want to loose, or be happy that you only loose 20% (unless that become a bug also).

    As for statistics, I agree with @Barbed you can't tell if a loss is really a loss, so the use of current statistics can't be seen as a valid guide.. But am not sure what is, so it would seem to be the best we have at the moment.
    awbo likes this.
  19. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    I feel as though increasing the range of gun towers and cannons could be effective. I don't know why their range increase stopped while their damage output and hit points continued to increase.

    I hear what you are saying about offensive and defensive bias. But as of right now I am struggling with enjoying the game when it has become so narrowly possible to feasibly save up resources for such expensive upgrades without a shield. Attacking has no longer become a challenge and I am willing to test the theory with anyone's base. I'm not trying to brag at all but with my current troop composition I can level any base set before me. (And this is without maxed gunners or heavy gunners or juggs- and with no wd in the army)
  20. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    I think the only way for me to save up for a massive upgrade is for me to gem 6-7 attacks in a row so I don't risk having the loot stolen. But that doesn't solve the problem about overpowered attacking

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