Attacks - overpowered

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by One-Eyed Willy, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. You r totally right... Can't agree more:D:):(... I just think that they should not decrease the power of troops but just increase the range of maxed cannon and gun tower by 2, mortar by 3-4 and add new defences... Also add the stun and the bounce effect that mortars produce to ground pounder level 3 (ATLEAST AT CLOSE RANGE)... They should also increase (atleast double) the damage done by mines to juggs and brutes (NOT TO GUNNERS AND OTHER TROOPS)... AND we may even see a lot more innovative base layouts if they do these changes...
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  2. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    The pirate hall cannons also are rather weak too. I also think the bunkers could have a faster ratarget time.
  3. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Maybe an extra 25 walls for ph9 too
  4. Pirate hall cannon can do a lot more damage at PH 10... An level 4 bunker with +2 or 3 range and +5 or 6 damage will be awesome... They SHOULD NOT INCREASE RETARGET TIME (it will be highly fatal for gunners if they r placed rightly)...
    I don't think they should add +25 walls to ph 9... Instead they should give +50 walls for level 10 Pirate hall (which will also hav level 9 academy)... The defences will be overpowered if they do it now (provided they listen to all other things that I hav specified in by previous comment)...
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  5. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    @Lynsey [Midoki] I know you provided a basic analysis of overall battle results, but can you filter it to just attacks made by top 200 global leaderboard players? I have a feeling the results will be vastly different, as almost none of them are farming or dropping rank or intentionally leaving their PH out for a shield, and they are generally more or less at full upgrade level for both units and buildings (discounting walls). I suspect its rare for any of them to ever make an attack less than 2*, and most of their defenses to be losses as well.

    For lower level, casual, or unmaxxed players, things might seem balanced, since many of them are unaware of the strategies needed to take down common designs, but as soon as you pass pr500, your defensive win rate certainly drops significantly.
    850arrr likes this.
  6. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Mines do zero damage to juggs regardless of mine level. Splash armor 2 makes them, flame gates, mortars,and GP do zero damage to juggs. Their trap disarming ability also removes mine damage, but its kind of redundant.
    One-Eyed Willy likes this.
  7. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    Ph10 could be 3 months away
  8. Or just a couple if weeks..
    Daddy P likes this.
  9. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    First and foremost, I have no issues with the current power of troops. This is a game of RAIDING, not SITTING ON YOUR DUFFS WAITING TO BE RAIDED. What I do have an issue is with the economics of raiding.

    A fully outfitted collection of 70 troops (I use a combination of HGs, WDs, Juggs, Brutes, and Gunners) costs about 450k in grog, but there is a paucity of bases with that much grog on hand, so raiding is a losing proposition from the standpoint of training -- it is nearly impossible to accrue grog for training without going to shield or gemming.
  10. Man,if PH10 will be released in three months I'm going to be left behind, because I'm still PH6 and if everyone will get to 8 or 9 how am I suppose to attack those bases with academy level 5 troops?
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  11. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    OK... low level player here.. but any PH6 base is dead meat for me, a beginning PH6/max PH5.
  12. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

  13. Also, I don't get raided that much and I mostly win my raids, unlees I screw up my troop deployment, but at my level eveybody attacks my with ten juggs and I tried different base layouts, but all have failed and I also tried to use my traps,
    to lure the juggs in a corner of the island, but it doesn't work all the time.
    Anyways,if you ask me I think the defense should be buffed a little.
  14. Oh, well I'm half way to PH7.
  15. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Fish is always teasing us.
  16. Red Privateer

    Red Privateer First Mate

    No, he's always baiting us...
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  17. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Midoki seems to have paced their last updates so that players that didn't spend a single gem could finish every upgrade well before the next update was released, giving free players a chance to enjoy everything as well before having to start catching up again. I'd imagine you have plenty of months to play catch-up - you might not finish walls in time without spending or a LOT of activity, but otherwise I'd imagine most players will be able to catch up before there's any consideration of a PH10 release.
  18. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    I have mixed feelings about WD. I love them, but making them indestructible is a bit much. Yet, it annoys the heck out of me when they dont revive all the shaking skeletons they should. Lol. 1-2 WD and a handful of Juggs and the rest skelly's regularly demolish my base. But the real issue is, its ALWAYS much more advanced users who attack me. I have yet to even get a matched or user below me to attack my recent base. I can always recoup my resources, usually in 1-2 battles, but it makes the game not as fun consistently getting defeated by used much more advanced.

    I personally think they need to massively drop the BP for attacking lower bases. Make the reward purely resources. Remove the reward. I have no issue demolishing bases more advanced than mine.

    From my last 14 defenses, I've only kept two below 70% destruction. And those two were actually around a same level as me. The other all have defenses 2-3 levels above me, I can only guess what level their pirates are advanced to... It gets old. :/ I don't want to have to make my base look easier to get attacked by people around my own level to enjoy a win every now and then. They don't even have to have a decent attack plan, its pure #'s. My base can't withstand highly advanced witch doctors paired with 5-8 Juggs and tons of skelly's. Level 8-10 cannons and the blue mortar do nothing when paired with witch doctors to that army. Yes, I have mystic mortars right next to my other mortars, trying to maximize damage ability. Even level 1 ground pounder can't stop high level Juggs with WD.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  19. TBaggins

    TBaggins First Mate

    I honestly think they should make it negative BP if you want to try and attack a lower level base. What are they attacking lower level bases for? Gold and grog. Make them think twice. -5 or 10 BP or something.

    It's not like its hard to attack a equal or higher base for some gold or grog. That's much easier than 100% destruction.
  20. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Well why did you upgrade your Mines to that level? I didn't bother when I seen the huge jump in rearming cost. It's pointless to upgrade them, especially when most of the time Juggs get to them first & they do no damage anyway, their whole use for me is to guide Juggs where I want them to go. My Mines are all lvl3 & I couldn't be happier with them, show me one replay where max Mines actually make a big difference in a battle over lvl3's.

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