Bad Piggies are giving away US$100!

Discussion in 'Recruitment' started by Ashraman, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. I'll boil some water!
  2. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    Yes. Good. Thank you, Fish Eye, that hit the spot.

    If Blackbeard or some of your other heavies would like to join us for a few days temporarily, please let me know.
  3. We will, sharing ideas is a good start to forming an alliance to beat the Chinese guilds.
  4. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    Our heaviest hitter, Ventus, just 3-starred JsZhao, who before that beating was a top 10 ranked player and is First Mate of the world number one guild. We have recorded the video and posted it to our guild website for instructional purposes. :)
  5. Is there a way for us non-member to see it? :rolleyes:
    Would like to share it on our forum too!
  6. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    @The Fish Eyed Pirate

    That video is Bad Piggies proprietary information! However, if you agreed not to share it outside of your guild, and lent us one hired gun over rating 700 until noon this coming Monday the 12th, we would provide the video. Also, the person who joined for a few days would be eligible for the US$100 in prizes.
  7. I have no authority, whatsoever. Just talking out loud. And I type a LOT right after I've chewed up a 10-325 Percocet. But...
    What if our guilds became "sisters."
    Hmmmmmmmm... would we need a new guild name like Sinister Piggies?

    Anyway... I'm at PR 668 or something like that.
    Right now I don't mind sitting on PR because upgrades can take up to 5 days.

    I will need to drop, loot and perform more upgrades.
    Some of our members are eager to drop right now....

    You have high PR
    We have high PR
    you have pirates eager to farm
    We do, too
    You have some who don't care, haven't stopped playing but aren't moving quickly
    We do, too.

    I don't know.
    Now I'm just staring at the keyboard.
    Where was I?
    All that is happening now is, I hear "when you're a Jet, you're a Jet 'til the end" playing in my head.
    I may have popped an extra Percocet. Everything is fading. I think I might be taking a nap now.
  8. Ashraman

    Ashraman First Mate

    Dear Bones,

    I would like to explore this idea further in the days to come. Bad Piggies and Sinister Souls could make an amazing team!
    Bones Harmon likes this.

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