BP shortage is WORSE THAN EVER

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ultimate Sea Dog, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    it was basically created for the new pirates!
    25-30 bp for each trip or some petty gold is useless for a ph9 like me!
  2. Rachael

    Rachael Crew

    If you were getting 2K BP every day you are super lucky! I've gotten it quite a few times but definitely not every day. @Shonda La also had the BP curse so she wasn't getting the best BP from monsters. ;)
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It is though. I've been keeping up with it. If you sail constantly you can get just as much, and a little more.
  4. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    I wasn't getting 2k BP from one Monster, I was getting that in total per day, 2 trips hitting my Serpent & Stripe Fish, most days I'd get 1k each time hitting the Serpent, from 800-1,500 & around 400-1,500 from the Fish. I've gotten 2,000 from the Blue Fish but I got more hitting those 2 in the one trip.
  5. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Well I'm sailing non stop & I'm not getting as much as I did before, maybe your getting more luck in your drops.
    850arrr likes this.
  6. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    If this has been siad before, sorry. But with the arrival of Ching to some people's shores, the BP shortage is obvious. Anyone knows a good BP earner that gives a few hundred?
  7. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I was one of the poor bastards who hasn't seen Ching in my port.
    Please elaborate on the grief I will be facing.
    Tiger Claw likes this.
  8. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Shonda La and yeti like this.
  9. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Um... I wanted to rant and rave...:( Sorry my bad
  10. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I was thinking he was gonna tell me Ching required like 100,000 BP.
    SaK and Tiger Claw like this.
  11. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    I'm in the same boat (pun intended). I'm getting nothing but crap from sailing all day hitting as many targetes I can zig zagging around. Frustrating to say the least.
    Tiger Claw likes this.
  12. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    That is clearly the problem.

    It really feels like the more we advance and level up, the more we are pentilzed with triple digit donations numbers. It's also the reason so many of us are frustrated at the low rewards. There great if your new, but wait until you reach higher levels.

    Please Midoki....

    One year ago things were different. It was awesome. Now it feels a bit cold :(

    Bl00dBaTh, 850arrr and SaK like this.
  13. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    I missed this commet when first skimming the thread and it blows me away as Errands are the silliest joke I have ever scene. I'm curious, what PH level are you?
  14. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    They're & you're haha, better edit that. Oops you can't.

    This post isn't about me being a dick & a grammar nazi, just a bad joke about us being unable to edit our posts.
    Tiger Claw likes this.
  15. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    Fix'd, since he is a Tiger :)

    I still do errands, I know they don't give much, but it all adds up. I usually try to knock out 6 of them, then collect and start all over.
    Bl00dBaTh likes this.
  16. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    I actually started doing them again about 2 weeks ago, before that it had been months since I did any, I had forgotten about them. It's all free so might as well do them, especially for the BP, there seems to be a lot more BP errands now compared to before, or maybe I just forgot the payouts. Either way I'll take all the free BP I can get.
    Bou Regreg likes this.
  17. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Now- fight the BIGGER FISH. They give 200-300 BP per attack (4 hrs).
  18. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    I like attacking the big fish on the upper right corner of the exploration map. He/she usually hangs out around square w/0 and moves straight south or to the west. This fish gave me 1500 ep, 800 bp, and three coopers the first time and an average of 700 ep, 700 bp, and 2 coopers since. This does however require a long journey of around 10+ hours. It is worth it in my opinion. I usually only go after him at night or when im not going to be playing the game for several hours. The shortage of bp when exploring is down per monster, but I believe more monsters, fish, and ships give bp now.
  19. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Hi Bucket

    What might be the color and level of this fish? I might have to focus solely on him for EP's.

  20. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    EP is not a problem for me... but screenshot please!

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