- Brutes VS Juggernauts -

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Edward Kenway, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I use 5/5 juggs/brute
  2. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    Depends on who you are attacking, and what level you are currently plundering.

    Upper levels it's Juggs all the way for me, I use 8-9 typically as part of a blitzkrieg. Lower level plundering I will include a few Brutes. They used to be my favourite, but just don't survive long on upper levels. Even when fully upgraded.
    Their Bring It On skills is even with Kaboom and Cloak for uselessness :)
    Bear likes this.
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Agreed. Once I get above 450 rank. I swap to 10 juggs
  4. Ebow

    Ebow Crew

    Still interested.. More opinions please?
  5. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Brutes are good for punching through walls at low PR, and are a lot cheaper than using bombers and juggs. They are the cheapest troop per slot, both in terms of hire time and grog, since they use up 4 slots each. At high PR, its not bad to bring one or two along to taunt, but they do not do as well as tanks in high end bases, only to distract mortars and GP while things slip by.

    Juggs on the other hand use less slots, have much more HP and DPS per slot by far, and take 0 damage to any form of splash (GP, Mortar, Mines, Flame Gate). They also set off all the mines for you. They're much more expensive, but they will live significantly longer, and 10 juggs uses 10 less slots than 10 brutes, which means you can fill that with extra gunners or bombers or whatever.

    Juggs taking zero damage to mortars and GP are alone enough reason to bring them.

    Brutes are also very very good for exploration, because they hire quick, cost little, and do very well against any monster-type battle.

    For a cheap army, I like to fight weaker bases with 5 brutes, 6 juggs, and 32 gunners. The brutes do slight initial tanking until the wall is broken (at max lv they can handle walls up to lv 9 bone walls pretty well, after that you'll need to distract mortars so the knockback doesn't slow them too much). The juggs then take over tanking at that point. If I'm fighting really weak bases, 10 brutes and 30 gunners is my go to, since its even cheaper (100k instead of 150k), but they do not have anywhere near the survivability of juggs and use up too many slots for a serious army.
    Ebow and WinstonCOV like this.
  6. Brutes are better at lower levels. Much cheaper and defense preference. Not strong enough to take out higher bases though.

    Juggs are better at higher ones. Splash damage reduction is really useful, mines/mortars/GP are greatly reduced. Maxed juggs are immune to them I think. Higher HP/Dmg but much higher cost.

    I have a couple of brutes to use their taunt though. Pull mortars away from squishy units.

    P.S. This thread was a year old
    Ebow likes this.
  7. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    Do any of the people in this thread from 2014 still play?
  8. mlc

    mlc Captain

    I use 7 juggs and no brutes. I find that the juggs are controllable whereas the brutes aim straight for the defences(which is a good thing) but not if you want to follow your juggs or brutes with a line of gunners and a WD. Juggs all the way for me!
    Ebow likes this.
  9. Farming and cheap streaking, Brutes are fantastic. All the toughness of juggs for a fraction of the price and recruiting time. Since you hardly ever even use a quarter of a crew in these battles, the four slots they use does not matter.

    Rumbling or Rank climbing, Juggs are the bees knees. Will crunch through under heavy enemy fire, and each of them uses one slot less than those brutes, where every slot is essential.

    The only question mark I have still to work out is with rank climbing: Can I effectively use one or two brutes with my juggs, to have the brutes attract the enemy fire during a push past some ground pounders (GP) that I can't avoid? I almost always use strategies to take out the GPs if I can, but I wonder if there's an easy enough approach for my crew to bully and distract its wY through using the brutes special power.

    I suppose the brutes can also thwart any jugg traps (using mines and walls) built into higher level island designs.
    Ebow likes this.
  10. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I successfully use brutes to distract Long Range GP fire but it only works in certain designs with a wider entrance. @Jun was an absolute master at this. It's not nearly as effective in bases that use short range GP, since it is very hard to sneak by given the way most of them are designed.
    Have the brute taunt in one far corner of the range, and then sneak in on the other side of it. I'd recommend bringing a second brute on your GS if you're doing this, since you can double how long the GP is taunted for. Its a cheap troop and people won't mind donating it :) Otherwise, they also work to distract Mortars in most situations, or eat up bunker fire when you don't have a WD since they're taking half damage. In serious bases never bring more than one of your own and one on the GS though, and they're probably more suited for a thought out revenge than searching for bases, since you can plan the approach better.

    For the Jugg traps, you can usually lead with one jugg first to set them off, and then send the rest of your juggs once the trap is cleared.

    Another use for them is when you're streaking and find a base that has the PH easily accessible, but with defenses covering it. Lead with a brute or two, taunt, and send in your gunners to take it out during the taunt. You can get a quick 1* for a very small portion of your army.
    Ebow and FlyingJoe's Fear like this.
  11. Thanks @Skye for the advice on the brutes' use with GPs. I look forward to giving that a go.

    As for...
    Absolutely agree. That is why I have them. Most PHs that are outside defenses still have several weapons trained on them, so one or two brutes first plus 5 or 6 gunners gets me my one star for 1 gem.

    They often feel like mini-puzzles to undo and fit in with the one gem, so it adds a bit of a break to the tedium that can be streaking... :)
    Ebow likes this.
  12. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    lolz this thread is over a year old.
    Ebow likes this.
  13. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    it will take a lot of practice to get the timing down with GP, but once you figure it out it makes battles a lot easier.
    Ebow and FlyingJoe's Fear like this.
  14. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Lol... this thread revived on its own...

    BTW- I use (in my 65-slot army) 1 brute and 5 juggs, The Brute is only used when I get a design where there's 2 GPs defending each other.
    Ebow likes this.
  15. Ebow

    Ebow Crew

    Thank you guys for all the answers, I found that post on google, so, I'm doing allways 2 brutes 3 jugg because I love both. Brutes because attack defenses, and jugg because are the strongest troop. Maybe I will do 1 brute and 4 jugg.
    Thanks again.
  16. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    Unfortunately Brutes exploration buff vs "Monsters at Sea" doesn't include the giant crab, mondo shark, or the crocodile thing on the new map. Hopefully this gets fixed or straitened out in the descriptions. There seems to be indications that the new map will have new monster types. I'm not sure if Brutes will have a bonus vs them.

    Brutes are great if you want to 1 or 2 star a base. With Brutes taking just under 1 min to train, 3 brutes = 3min of training (1 gem), 4 brutes and 9-12 gunners can 1 star a lot of bases and take about 2 gems to rehire. With a good LP thrown in, you can certainly get 1 star and possibly 2 stars. My favorite win is to get 1 star from taking the PH and 100% loot. If you are trying to 3 star a well developed base, then you should not take more than 1 or 2 brutes. Brute damage vs walls is kind of pathetic vs max walls and outright pointless vs max walls buffed by LP.

    Brutes seem to do better with annabelle. They drive into the defenses, annabelle follows, you can stun defenses and annabelle can heal while the defenses are stunned. Another good trick is to have 1 or 2 brutes yell to draw fire, and their damage reduction is strong enough that anabelle will heal them while your gunners do the dirty work.
    Kelani likes this.

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