Couple things

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Oak Island, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. Oak Island

    Oak Island Captain

    Good morning @Lynsey [Midoki] - just wanted to first of all thank the team at midoki for the new update, can’t wait to get all the various upgrades going! Also, thank you so much for increasing the game screen to fit iPhone X!! What a great surprise it looks amazing! However, I did notice that starting with the gold bar in the upper left hand corner moving down to the captains log could be moved to the left slightly. Those 4-5 icons are kind of hanging out a bit too far to the right, small adjustment maybe but otherwise it looks great! Also, the monsters on the 3 maps no longer show the possible rewards for winning a battle. Not a huge deal at this point but something you will want to fix I’m sure! Those are my “couple things” - couple small adjustments is all!

    Thanks again!!!

    850arrr and Intimidator like this.
  2. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Ahoy, and thanks for the kind words! I'll pass your comments onto the UI chaps to see if there's any tweaks that we can make.

    We're aware of the issue with the potential rewards no longer displaying on exploration battles, and we hope to have this fixed either today or with maintenance tomorrow (it's a relatively minor server side/data issue - we'll also be fixing a crash with the Tavern pirates' info screens).

    WOLLIMAUS Captain

    @Lynsey [Midoki] :):):)

    Nice job with ph 12 :rolleyes:

    Is the "forgotten" PC level up also that kind of issue? o_O a minor issue??? It feels like that.

    Or is it a decision you have made to make us spent (more) gems or quit finally the game?

    I mean, when troops are leveling up with the time, recruiting time increases also a lot, but the pc is not leveling up at all. Maxed ph 12 troops will be over an hour....
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
    850arrr and Langballe like this.

    WOLLIMAUS Captain

    I enjoy, but some things i don't understand! And i really try to be nice and ask things why and for what reason some things have been changed and some not. :D

    Where is the logic for that not also give us a FASTER PC?? Defenses gets much stronger, TG got a new level for that, more toughness for the pirates.
    Recruitment time will be also longer, but no help with/for recruiting to keep it in balance :(.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
    Langballe and MorganFlint like this.
  5. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    There is also an issue with the materials not showing their type, ie: in fort, clicking on material needed to upgrade, majestic ruby doesn’t say name, it says unknown material.
    Edit: it’s just for the LP Mack, who doesn’t usually need rubies.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
  6. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    We're aware of Mack's unexpected ruby problem (it shouldn't be there, I think he's trying his luck!). This should be fixed this morning.
    MorganFlint likes this.
  7. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    And a gentle reminder to keep things civil, please.
    Unique Rebel likes this.
  8. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    So, aside from painting things red, is there actually anything "new" in this update. Just in case at Midoki you think that new means now red I have included the definition.

    1. of recent origin, production, purchase, etc.; having but lately come or been brought into being: a new book.
    2. of a kind now existing or appearing for the first time; novel: a new concept of the universe.
    3. having but lately or but now come into knowledge: a new chemical element.
  9. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    It's been a long time since I've posted, but @Morgan Ford is correct (bless his/her ❤️). I've also been thinking the same thing. As much as I appreacte the update, Morgan is right. Most of the new stuff is nothing more then a paint job. Yeah, the PH has a few added graphics from the Midoki storage locker, but really now...

    What ever happened to those awe inspiring upgrades. Does anyone remember how awesome the PH 8 level looked? I do. As a matter of fact I kept that level on my mini account.

    I realize that I was one of those "pink" haters, but as such Midoki did a follow-up with some respectable future upgrades. Now I feel as if the Voodoo Hut and Walls (for the most part) are nothing more than graphic design throw backs from lower PH levels that were never used until now .

    Either way I'm reluctantly upgrading, but I sure miss those early days of Plunder Pirates when they stepped up and produced some of the most awe inspiring graphic designs on a freemium game platform.

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
    Morgan Ford likes this.
  10. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    I happen to agree. I was really ok with my island the way it was without having to farm and upgrade, but I do like having something to do.(sense of accomplishment, etc...) So nothing else but to upgrade, so here I go...I’m still hoping for new events, guild competitions, or something besides attack and upgrade tbh. There have been tons of great ideas thrown about on this forum. If Midoki hasn’t figured anything out themselves, maybe they can take one of our ideas and run with it.
    850arrr, Morgan Ford and MorganFlint like this.
  11. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    Oh, I like the red :) and something to do..................I’m sure they are working on new’s coming “soon” ;):rolleyes:
    Unique Rebel and WOLLIMAUS like this.

    WOLLIMAUS Captain

    Maybe a little bit to much RED ;), when all building and stuffs are close together all you see is RED :confused: difficult to see details and what is what.
    And yes, the ph 12 looks almost the same like ph 11, only the chains are a bit longer and some red paint added.

    How does this effect thunderstruck? For the better or the worse, we will see :cool:

    the ads gives better rewards :)

    WHERE are the new LP's?? o_O or new pirates??
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
  13. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    There are further wall and storage levels to keep all busy, the gameplay is gonna go to a whole different level. See some great further abilities for my favourite troops. Looking forward to some real competition and maybe some new island design ideas ;)
    MorganFlint likes this.
  14. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Technically nothing "new".
    850arrr likes this.
  15. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    They have given us "something to do" updates for almost 2 years now. It's "coming soon" carries little wait these days coming from MIdoki.
    WOLLIMAUS likes this.
  16. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    At this point there have been so many outstanding recommendations, suggestions and ideas that have flowed through this forum that they are almost too numerous to count. Apparently they have fallen on deaf ears. It is frustrating to see so many great opportunities just plain ignored. Midoki if you can't figure out "new" on your own you should take a hard look at what Supercell has done with their legacy franchises. They have done some really simple cool things, other than just changing colors and adding levels, to keep their games fresh and interesting. If you do not know what I am talking about then my point is likely lost on you. You should probably just go and enjoy upgrading some walls, again.
    WOLLIMAUS likes this.
  17. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    o_OSomething old rather than new - loyalty tokens are back
    Intimidator likes this.
  18. Intimidator

    Intimidator Captain

    Yep and I got some tokens from a sail which put me over the required amount for another figurine. Now I just have to find another sucker...I mean lucky person that wants one. I don’t need anymore.
  19. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    I started back in for a guild event and decided I could pop in a couple times of day to rotate my north sea exploration ship. I am almost done with that.

    I was hoping for something more than having all of my days' work to max being shattered overnight with the finish line moved farther away.

    I would have settled for the old old old request of limiting rumble battles to 10x so they are not gem-2-win.
  20. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    How did I miss not seeing that o_O.

    On a positive note Midoki simply might have forgot to include it. The plus side (if Midoki adds it) is that it doesn't require a re-paint. The current color will match the PH 12 theme quite nicely.:) Ok, that last comment was probably not necessary, but I'm a little moody today.

    All being said I like the new color and one way or another @Lynsey [Midoki] is paying me back for hating on her previously approved pink. Hence the reason why Red is now the new Pink :D. I surrender my PaWs to you Lynsey.:(

    Let's keep our swords and cannons crossed and perhaps a new PC level will be included.

    Unique Rebel likes this.

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