Getting Smashed Break-point

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Gristle, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    That's why I keep the PH so close to my only opening. In hopes that I get a shield right away
  2. I wouldn't go so far as to call it cheating, but it is most definitely gamesmanship.

    The devs included a currency that is a static gain, meaning that as you progress the reward stays the same.

    Battle Points are one of the toughest resources to farm, and human nature being what it is, people try to farm it the easiest way.

    The easiest way is to pound noobs, using minimal troops in an almost continual cycle.

    So to answer your question. Yes, the devs did intend for those high level players to shark the minnows, because if they didn't, they would have tied BP to Pirate Rank.

    You could be generous and call it an oversight. But they have all the stats and metrics, so they know what's going on.
  3. Maybe this has been suggested. I am sure it has. However, this thread got me thinking that a logical "fix" for this is to implement rank bonuses that would award you extra loot based on the "tier" you are in. Maybe starting at PR200 you get an extra 10K of each resources and 10 more BP per win. At PR400 you get an extra 50K each and 20 more BP, at PR 600 you get extra 100K resource and 30 more BP. This is probably too generous, but you get the idea. There definitely needs to be more incentive to push besides just the leader board. Additionally, they could make it so less loot is available when fighting PH's that are lower than yours so there is less incentive to sandbag.
    Gangrene Beard and Max Plunder like this.
  4. Good call TywinTheVile.

    I'd make it so the BP gained would be a percentage of your opponents pirate rank. That would encourage people to attack up instead of down.

    BTW. I am as guilty of this as anyone else. I don't like doing it. But that academy takes 7500BP and Mystic Mortars 1000 BP each.

    What else does Midoki expect us to do?
  5. Evil Rastlin

    Evil Rastlin First Mate

    People talking about cheating Give me a break!!! It is a game based on if you pay more money than someone else you will get a big advantage over others. Are those players cheating too?? should I complain that I was ahead of Bear at one point but since he spent money to speed up PH 6 and PH 7 he is a cheater? LOL of course NOT! He played the game as created! Now why would anyone pay to upgrade if they get stuck moving to higher ranks and harder battles? They wouldn't... Game is designed to bully others, ALL Freeuim games are. If you want "fair" games based off skill you buy those games, instead of playing a pretend "free" game.
  6. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    What kills me is the people in this thread calling this cheating, or they go on and on about how people shouldn't play the game this way because it "Isn't right." People will always find and take the path with the least resistance for the most gain. That's not cheating, it's human nature.

    Then the second paragraph of their post starts with the "But.....I'm guilty of this too...Blah, Blah, Blah." Most of these people have PH6 -7. So another words they have reaped the flaws in the game system for quite some time now, probably since release, and now their here complaining about how unfair it is and needs to be fixed. GG

    Let's face it PR is meaningless in the game in its current form, and who cares?? With as many people doing it now you have a higher chance of hitting a PH6+ base @ rank sub 200 as you do an actual player that has earned that rank.

    So now you have to spend 100+K gold, probably more, ( and everyone of you are doing this) skipping bases until you find someone with tons of resource banked at a low enough lvl your troops can completely rip them apart.

    This is called bad game design, not cheating, in a freemium game where developers want to make lots of $$$$.

    The players didn't design the game this way, we're just playing it.
  7. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Funny sometimes I plunder for points as I want to stay at the top of my guild and sometimes for gold or grog depends what is needed....I find that it happens often that I get smashed by 200 odd pirate rank above but this just happens there is always a bigger fish..
  8. Liquix

    Liquix Crew

    Midoki could EASILY prevent this (people dropping down on their rank by purpose) - there are many ways to do it.
    And if they would do, those high-players again would have enough enemies.
  9. Pirate Bee

    Pirate Bee First Mate

    If a non paying player is forced to stay high rank any resource gains are going to be lost to buying the crew that increases in cost with training or losing it all to the high ranking gemmers.
  10. The only thing I think about this subject is that people should stop saying the word "Cheating". And read this post.
    Bear likes this.
  11. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    I don't agree that this is cheating but it certainly is lame. A win bonus that increases as your rank increases would have to help alleviate this issue and can't be too difficult to implement. Over 700PR throw in some BP as a reward as well? I don't know, seems logical to me.
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Yeah. Cheating is definitely the wrong word. Loot bonuses will have to be implemented eventually.
  13. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    dropping rank, honor, whatever is the name of the game. it's been around since the beginning of these games. people will always find the quickest and easiest way to gain loot, and it usually involves upgrading your troops and simultaneously dropping rank as quickly as possible. i don't believe in punishing anyone for playing the game the way it has been designed. there will always be those who care about rank and those who don't. let people play they want. these games begin to lose their appeal when people on the forums try (sometimes successfully) to force the developers to change the game to fit their wants/needs rather than bend to the way the game is already designed. Samurai Siege was full of the biggest whiners i have ever seen. i hope this forum doesn't follow suit.
  14. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Your right dropping or rising the where the loot is will always be how the game is played and shouldn't change. But this game now is completely unplayable over 600 PR and that is lame. You shouldn't have to take a loss to raid at the higher levels, that's just stupid. So really people can't play the way they want, at least not people who wanna push as high as possible and not use gems for resources.
  15. I think we are losing some sight about the real issue here. As i see it there is no incentive to push higher as there is no loot bonus for being at a high PR and as you say, over 600PR becomes an exercise in frustration. Things can be done to reward players for pushing and lessen the incentive to rank drop for easy loot. I will once again use the "clash" approach of rewarding higher ranks with a higher loot bonus and making the incentive to raid PH's that are below you in level less by penalizing your available raidable loot. So a PH7 attacking a PH5 will not have the same available loot as a PH5 attacking another PH5. This implementation can keep the integrity of the game while providing a nice incentive to rise the ranks, which will mean more people will push and PR600+ will become more fun.
  16. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Ok I understand that, but farming in COC is incredibly boring. I would rather use a version of leagues or something like it to give solid bonuses for a win the higher your rank. There isn't nearly enough people playing this game to nerf loot that way and many of us will be driven away by this. I don't wanna search endlessly for mediocre loot, thats why I quit COC in the first place.
  17. I would love a version of leagues or something to add incentive to pushing to higher ranks. How fun is it for a PH6 or 7 to crush a PH5 or lower. To me it isn't fun at all. Yea, I will get good loot if I sandbag, but there is no "skill" involved in beating those bases when you are PH6+. So it's just crushing noob bases for big loot and building up my base to brag about maxing all my stuff at PH7, but took no skill and honestly wasn't that fun as all I did was beat up little fish.

    However, some incentive to push, be it a league bonus, a PR bonus or something would help even out the Ranks and provide for a more balanced matchmaking across all PRs.
  18. Evil Rastlin

    Evil Rastlin First Mate

    And this is the problem. People wanting something for free that others have been paying for. Nothing wrong with the design of the game. The game is DESIGNED to have you spend money, why else would they have made it?
  19. Pirate Bee

    Pirate Bee First Mate

    That loot bonus would have to be huge to make me consider farming bases in the 450-550 range over the 350-450 range.
  20. donkeykilla

    donkeykilla First Mate

    Well I cant completely agree with that. Yes the game is designed to have you spend money, and I do, but I will not use gems to buy resources. That's the lamest thing in gaming Imo. That being said people should be able to raid at higher levels and make enough profit to continue climbing without either waiting for their collectors to do their thing or gem resources. It's in all of ours best interest to have free to play and pay to play players, and as many as possible. Not gonna be enough of either if there's a ceiling of 600 PR that suddenly makes the game unplayable.

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