Guild Ship defensive and offensive modes

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Degani, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. Degani

    Degani Powder Monkey

    Hello fellow pirates! Have you ever thought about how long does the pirates your guild mates donated to you stays on the Guild Ship, useless? Like when you're sleeping, working, etc or just doesn't need to spend them (only in emergencies)? Well, that's quite a while for me and for some of you pirates out there. What if your pirates could be useful while you're away?

    My idea consists in implementing two modes on the Guild Ship: Defensive and Offensive modes. Here's a disclaimer about each mode:

    • Offensive
    Pretty much the mode we already have and know very well. You are only able to use your pirates from the Ship while you're attacking other islands. Just deploy them and they will act as any standard troop you deploy on the field.

    • Defensive
    That mode would create a range around the Ship (kinda like a letter "D") and, when your Ship has units inside and another player tries to attack your island, all the troops would be released and will start to defend your island, if any enemy troop steps inside its range. While on this mode, troops from the Ship won't be able to use abilities, since you're not in control of them to trigger it on the right time.

    I think this would create new strategies as for example, a Ship full of Brutes or Juggernauts could act as a meat shield while you're on Defensive Mode, that way enemy troops would attack them instead of your islands defenses. In other hand, a Ship full of Gunners or Heavy Gunners could be used to destroy an enemy island, while on Offensive Mode (like most of us already do).

    Leave your feedback down below if you think this idea would be cool to have in Plunder Pirates :)
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Has already been suggested a few times...
  3. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    That's a big no. It's been suggested many times before. This is not clash of clans. Pirates defending an island would make attacking an island unwinnable.
  4. Degani

    Degani Powder Monkey

    Well, I'm sorry for not reading and knowing about all the previous ideas posted on this forum though.
  5. Maybe I'm just missing it, but I just glanced over the master lists and I'm not seeing it on any of them. Maybe it can be added please?
  6. Bear

    Bear Commodore

  7. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It does need to be added though.
    *Cap'n Sparkle* likes this.
  8. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    You don't have to read and know every post, this forum has a wonderful search function. To find the links posted above I searched the features forums for "defending pirates." it brought up two main threads, plus comments in some unrelated threads where the idea was just mentioned briefly. It literally took 4 clicks and 15 seconds to search, and I'm on a phone...
  9. sdofigew

    sdofigew Powder Monkey

    Also they would totally have to rework ai and balance for pirate to pirate combat as opposed to pirate vs base ai. Paratroopers useless defense. Bombers great defense with dead mans switch. You would almost need 2 guild ships since great defend units would not be best offensive units. It's one thing of those things I think if wasn't in conception of game balancing it to add later is tough.
  10. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Agreed, I love this feature in other games that have it because it fits the existing mechanics. I just don't think it's right for this game.
  11. Degani

    Degani Powder Monkey

    Congratulations for you mate, you really got you search skills up to date on your Moto X (2014) Pure Edition Android 5.1, I'm impressed an Android device could do such.
    What is the first thing you do when you have a cool ideia that you and your guild mates thought it would be interesting to see and haven't heard about? Search on a forum for that idea, of course, that's what every human being with internet connection would do in this situation! Silly me. Pardon me because of this moment of pure illness that I just had while suggesting something that was already suggested without my acknowledge, this won't happen again Mr. Bear.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
    One-Eyed Willy and Bear like this.
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

  13. Degani

    Degani Powder Monkey

    Whatever grammatical tricks you have, I guess I made my point that way though. English is not my main language anyways.
  14. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    It is a cool idea and it seems like there are a lot of others on the forum who have expressed interest in this mechanic. I particularly like your idea for having an engage radius shaped as a D btw.

    I find this comment to be entirely hypocritical, not only because you call people out for submitting posts that do not further the purpose of the respective thread but also that your incessant and inappropriate usage of commas makes me cringe.

    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
    *Cap'n Sparkle* likes this.
  15. Still this would mean the entire balance of attack/defense would need to be reworked BIG TIME. So the idea gets a no from me.

    And what @Bear said might be a bit straight to the point. But imagine this: We get hundreds of posts about features that already have been suggested multiple times. Some original threads are filled with good comments and great idea's. Now every new double post that is being openend ensures less people find those great threads.
    But we know not everybody wants to search the forum for these threads. So me made a list for you guys so you can search excisting threads very fast.
    So we are sorry if we might come off a bit rude, but there are so many people who just start typing eithout first reading (which is rule #1 of forum etiquette). So please consider this before posting a cynical response.
    And @One-Eyed Willy Bear is just doing what we got asked to do.
    One-Eyed Willy and Bear like this.
  16. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I like it if it got retooled properly.

    How about this: the GS doesn't release troops. Instead, if you choose to arm it, it gains stats depending on what troops are on it. It gains hp cannons and +damage, weighted of course, for troops on it. And after the defense, all troops on the GS are destroyed. Stats would have to be scaled of course. But you could put juggs on it to make it take a lot more damage before being destroyed, gunners on it to increase its range or number of cannons or something, thieves to increase attack speed, bombers for more damage than other troops would give it.

    Something like it gets a short base range + average range of troops (+8 range with 2 hg, +5 with 10 gunners, and it would go down with other troops), average HP of troops + base hp (which would be approx 3k with only juggs), average speed of troops (speed/10 shells per second; most troops would make it fire as fast as a normal cannon, brutes and juggs slow it down), and a weighted average of damage of troops, or total damage of troops divided by some coefficient + some base damage (high damage troops like bombers add a ton to the damage; weaker troops add less)

    It would need a bit of thought how WD affected stats, but it could essentially turn into a customizable defense.

    edit: rethinking that, it would probably be better to give a weighted total of stats rather than an average, as GS can have different amounts of troops at lower levels.
    sdofigew and One-Eyed Willy like this.
  17. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Thanks for your comment. Im glad you can spell hypocritical, even if you don't know what it means. You clearly can't read the extremely sarcastic and rude comments he has directed at me simply because I disagree with his idea and mentioned that it wasn't original...
  18. Shark Bait

    Shark Bait First Mate

    @ Degani. I have been a member of this forum since the early days, and I still can't find stuff when I do a search. This forum has interesting mix of people all with unique characteristics. Once you know the characters, it is kind of fun to watch the show. Just go with the flow, that is what I do.
  19. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I like this twist much better. It utilizes the troops without making them actually have to fight other troops.
  20. One-Eyed Willy

    One-Eyed Willy First Mate

    @Skye I think you're on to something here. The structure in which gameplay has developed would make it difficult to have to deal with additional defensive troops within the three minute timeframe. Perhaps we will see the next version of an upgraded guild ship to have cannons on it akin to the ones that have been designed into the new PH9, but with more of a bunker styled radius. I also like your idea of having the stats of the turrets on the GS match, or somewhat correlate, those of the troops that are inside. Addressing your note on WD's within the GS. Perhaps having them inside could slightly raise the hit points of the buildings on the island by a small percentage.

    @The Fish Eyed Pirate - I completely respect efforts to help mitigate duplicate posts. I was only busting @Bear 's chops on correcting Degani's spelling though haha.

    Speaking about the timeframe of a battle; I wonder if the new PH9 with increased building hit points and the introduction of a 3rd MM, 3rd FG and a shark trap will bring to surface time issues. Ones of which that would make tactical strategy more crucial and almost daunting when attempting to 3star an opponent within a three minute period. Only time will tell I guess... once everyone has full upgrades with both buildings and trained troops and all.

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