HIGH LEVEL Attack suggestion please!

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by BOB FOLY, Jan 2, 2015.


    BOB FOLY Crew

    hey there im heading to rank 700 and up, I was wondering if anyone has any Crew suggestions or attack strategies there willing to offer to help out players new to the higher level attacking.

    No one in my guild is at this level so they can't really help in this area im over 650 now attacks cost 210,000+ grog and so its very sad when I fail at an attack.

    I'm wondering about what side of the base people might suggest attacking from.
    From the ship side or attacking up threw the ground pounders firing range.
    If ship side should I attack the open end or closed end.
    Or trying to come from one side or the other.
    I understand defence placement changes the attacking but looking for people's general ideas

    I'm currently trying
    7 jugs 1 WD 10 bombers 1 Santa and 30 gunners
    And of
    6 jugs 1 WD 8 bombers 8 SR 1 Santa 1 brute 23 gunners
    crews along those lines

    Hope this doesn't sound stupid thanks everyone
  2. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    It's my understanding that at that level, you need at least 2 WDs. Some use even more. Also, I usually see people using more of an even mix of Juggs and Brutes, something like 2-3 Juggs/4-5 Brutes. SRs are great if maxed, and you can find a base that'll allow you to drop them where they need to go. Not sure about using 8 of them, though.

    BOB FOLY Crew

    Well all my stuff is MAX I don't really see using less then 8 sr if I'm gonna use them.. I will try out the less jug more brute I use to use 3 jug 5 brutes I'll think about a second WD.. My one WD normally lives threw the attack

  4. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    If you can post a video of an attack you lost and need advice for it would be helpful. If you are unable to post video, maybe just a screenshot of a "common" base you are having difficulty with. Don't depict the strongest, but one you would actually attempt an attack. Also remember, at that level the "Next" button is your friend. I use it so often the text on my button is rubbing off. ;)
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2015
  5. Floki

    Floki Captain

    I would be inclined to attack with 3 WD and upgraded to Guardian.

    BOB FOLY Crew

    I'm no good at the posting thing pics/videos .. Most of the time my lossescare in my opinion from the troops being dumb going where I didn't think they would.

    I switched to 4 jug 4 brute 4 SR (teck) 1 WD (still) 10 Bombs rest Gunner

    I normally the ship side of the base closed end of board walk

    I use up to 4 gunners to remove a few destraction buildings, I send in a brute use it's ability then send in the rest of the brutes and jugs with WD and Bombers, after walls open and shields are inside I send in the gunners .. That how most of my attacks go, just sometime the jugs run off after Bombs and I lose my meat shields. Sometimes the bombers never open the walls cuz there busy attaing something stupid and sometimes the gunners lock onto a building inside the base then run all the way around to go inside.

    BOB FOLY Crew

    I can't justify using 3 WD at 75,000k a pop I ended up doing one of the dedences I should have.

    P.s since I switched to 4 jug 4 brute things seem to go a little better
  8. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    If you can't even post a pic I don't think there's much I can offer. Good luck.
  9. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Its a hard one with the risk reward to be taken into account but guess you have to look at it as what am I trying to achieve is it Pirate rank or farming?
    So then your strategy is dictated by what you wish to achieve..
  10. TBird

    TBird Captain

    What works for me 90% of the time
    8 Juggs
    1 Witch Doctor
    8 Bombers
    3 Brutes
    1 Santa
    18 Gunners

    All are maxed out on training

    I get cocky every once in a while and screw up the attack..
    Guess that's why I never get too far over 800
  11. Floki

    Floki Captain

    What levels are each unit?
  12. BOB FOLY

    BOB FOLY Crew

    Lol he said Max so im assuming max other then s few upgrades he didn't see needing
  13. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Fully trained on all my troops
  14. BOB FOLY

    BOB FOLY Crew

    Sorry bud im new to the posting pics and videos deal, I play the game and come here to read up on whats going on and ask for / offer help
  15. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Silly me missed it so if all maxed out WD is guardian should be a tough bunch
  16. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Cheers...Still aways for me to go till all are maxed but working on it most of the way there.
  17. TBird

    TBird Captain

    My same attack style
    Just with my mix of troops

    All these high level bases all look the same, so same attack works on all of them
    Until I get bored and screw up an attack
    The Witch Doctor is a must...
    Only way people are beating my base now is with 2-3 Witch Doctors
    1 doesn't do it on my base
  18. BOB FOLY

    BOB FOLY Crew

    I'm not farming im looking at the cost to attack and what I get back from the attacks .. All raids I see are only at the 300k grog level so 3 WD I'd have to get 100% of the grog to not be at a loss imo

    I'm at 650 range and stuck cuz I'm outta grog lol
  19. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Only upgrade I wouldn't do again is to max the Witch Doctor because of the cost
    75k vs 100k for the max WD
  20. BOB FOLY

    BOB FOLY Crew

    My troops are all almost max my jugs are only 11 but gunners WD Bombs and Bruts are good to go.

    For running more WD how are you placing them im assuming not all at the same time

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