How much $$$ did you spent on gems?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Juroz, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

  2. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    for me you mean? Gangrene?
  3. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Yup, that's what your purchase converts to
  4. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    ok well that sounds like a decent amount:D
  5. He is what is known as "a whale".

    And developers love him.
  6. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    He bought a server!
    PlunderPirate likes this.
  7. Rockford

    Rockford Powder Monkey

    Damn! you guys gotta be crazy time and tide wait for no man but everything comes to he who waits... 'cept thoughs benjamin's man
  8. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    and all the stocks with it:D
    PlunderPirate likes this.
  9. Rockford

    Rockford Powder Monkey

    Gotta keeps yo benjamin's fo yo delf an dat be da troof fo real 2K on deez iddy pirates maaan you crazy
  10. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    save from everything, eating, cloth etc.:confused:
  11. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    I will try... hopefully, a consolation prize. :rolleyes:


    I've plunked down some $$$ ear-marked for gaming & other stupid ideas. Why is it this game NEVER has special surprise discounts on gems like other similar games?

    Answer: Midoki think "We are too big to fail".
  13. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I would like to see this. +1
    BILLYBARU likes this.
  14. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Every once in a while I put in a $20, since that gets me 2400 gems, or 300 fights @ 3 minutes a piece = 900 minutes of playtime. I've probably put in about $100 total, between rushing ph8 and farming walls.

    Its cheaper than going to the bar or the movies one time, and I get 15 hours of fun rather than 2 hours, it helps a game grow that I enjoy playing, and the investment is more fun down the line. I've put $2k into other mobile games before, when you have hundreds of dollars a week of disposable income from an office job, its easy to drop a lot on an entertainment budget, and mobile games are a lot more approachable than hundred hour console epics.

    Also, compared to other games I've played, this is extremely cheap. $20 is 2400 gems. I get about 50k gold and grog per gem when farming (400k per base/8 gems per army). This means 6300 gems or about $50 fully levels all 150 of your walls from 9 to 11, assuming you speed every single fight, and after that there's not much to spend on worth it.

    In many other mobile games I've played, you're lucky if $50 gets you one usable character out of a Gacha, so I feel like they're giving us an extremely fair deal. Even the $5 cheapest pack for 500 gems is enough for 63 fights, or 3 hours straight of play time.

    I base my higher bound on entertainment value on movie theater equivalent. $20 gets you a movie and a snack (if you're lucky), or about $10 an hour. If you get more than an hour of quality-adjusted entertainment for $10, you came out ahead in opportunity cost.

    For a lower bound, if a new console game gives you 120 hours of entertainment for $60, you're getting 2 hours per dollar. $20 could easily get you 40 hours of entertainment in this game from gemming armies given downtime between fights, so even by console standards, you're pretty close to that.

    Return on investment seems great.
  15. Christy

    Christy Commodore

    Lost track. It's usually increments of $20. Plus I have 2 kids that play that bug me for gems too :eek:
    Skye likes this.
  16. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Nope, we've had bonus discounts on gems in the past, and we will again in the future. ;)
    Tex and The Fish Eyed Pirate like this.


    Near future or distant future? when numbers start dropping? Had is the key word in your reply.

    Why would they stop? Why would changing your pirate name go from 500 gems to now 5000 ?

    Let's quote Top Gun " Midoki has the need, the need for greed!"
  18. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Changing your pirate name has always increased with each name change - the costs haven't changed since the feature was introduced. First name change is 20 gems, second is 500, third is 5000. This is to discourage people from abusing the feature - we were concerned that some players might keep on repeatedly changing their name to hide their trolling behaviour. Although admittedly, now you mention it, we could potentially reduce this cost now as we've since introduced the profile page in that lists previous names and have started storing previous names in the database. ;)
    Christy and Skye like this.
  19. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Why not drop it to something fair ($5 to change your name seems steep?) and just put a hard rate limit on it by giving it a 1 day cooldown or something?


    Ummmmmm, ok, sure. Big words like trolling must be exclusive to PP. Don't know its meaning and how it relates to me which it prob doesn't. One last thing for now. Other games let you have a vault for a certain amout of things you work hard for ( here would be gold and grog). Right now big fish drop rank and go FARMING , which entails finding little fish trying to amass enuf of this stuff without plunking down ,you guessed it, money for gems. Big fish smack around the little fish, farm, farm, farm, and then swim away. Not very fun or fair to take the fun out of the game eh?

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